Dual displays


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
This is aggrivating!

Monitor 1 is straight in front of me. It is my main monitor which shows taskbar and time.

Monitor 2 is to the left of monitor 1. I have musicmatch jukebox open in that monitor currently.

The problem is.. Instead of moving my mouse to the left side of monitor 1 to get onto monitor 2.. I have to move my mouse to the right side of monitor 1 to get to monitor 2.

I've tried flipping monitors in my display properties. But then I have the trouble of having my taskbar on the wrong monitor. But the mouse transitions from monitor to monitor correctly. I switched the cables pluged into the video card.. and somehow the problem reversed itself leaving me the same way it was.

I have an nvidia video card.

Appreciate it.
Mar 11, 2004
Here's what I'd do.

1. Go into your display properties and turn off the secondary monitor.
2. Turn off your computer.
3. Switch the cables so that the one you want as your primary is hooked up to the primary output
4. Plug in the second monitor into the other port
5. Turn on your computer.
6. Under display settings or whatever, enable the second monitor.
7. Make sure that they are setup correctly as primary and secondary.
8. Maybe do a restart to make sure they boot up correctly.

I'm sure there's probably an easier and/or better way to do it, but this should do the trick.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
the easy way is just to open up the display properties and go to the settings tab ( and at the top you will see a big box which has in it repersentations of the monitors. On top of that box it says "Drag the monitor icons to match the physical. arrangement of your monitors." which is exactly what you should do. also, you can select each monitor and below the resolution selecter is a checkbox that says "Use this device as the primary monitor." which you should check for the one you want to be your primary monitor. Then you can also right-click on your taskbar and uncheck the "Lock the taskbar" option and you can drag the taskbar from monitor to monitor.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
ahh! I didn't see the drag monitor icons. Well, I didn't realize that they could be dragged. That fixed it.

Thanks to both of you.