Drives not being recognized in XP?


Nov 18, 2000
This has got me stumped. I am trying to install some new software and when I try to open the CD I get an error message that
?E:\ is not accessible, incorrect function? I also tried a card reader that shows up as an external drive and get the same message. So I try the floppy, again same message. So I am basically getting the error message on all my drives except the hard drive.

I can however stick a regular music CD in the same DVD drive, open windows media player and it will open. However if I load the CD and go to my computer and try to open the same CD without opening media player I get the ?inaccessible?.? Error again. I tried the XP rolling back thing and that didn?t fix it. I also tried re-loading the drivers for the DVD ROM and that didn?t work either. Device manger also shows that all these devices are working correctly as well.

Any suggestions??


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Sounds like something is fouled up with windows explorer if the problem is with both optical drives and the floppy.


Nov 18, 2000
Thanks for the reply. Still haven't gotten any resolve to the situation.
Any suggestions anyone?


Nov 18, 2000
I am still quite stuck!
Anybody can offer some suggestion would be appreciated!

Some more info on this problem.

I can load a CD with software on it. Power down and reboot and it will let me run the disc in the drive. However if I replace the CD with another and try and run in then it will give me the same errror message?


Junior Member
Dec 18, 2003
I am also having the similar problem with windows 2000 Machine. I upgraded my comp to SP4 and becoz of some operational issues with SP4 , I unistalled SP4. Now OS is not recognising my CD drive and USB drives. Any one got any idea . Please help



Senior member
Oct 17, 2001
Is this a Toshiba dvd?
I had the exact same thing happen to me, to the letter, with an older Toshiba drive. My problem however, did not include the floppy. Never resolved the issue :(. I went as far as reinstalling Windows, yet the problem refused to go away. Finally, I just got another DVD and been good since.
Soyo MB? mine happened on a Soyo dragon 266+

Originally posted by: rushhound
This has got me stumped. I am trying to install some new software and when I try to open the CD I get an error message that
?E:\ is not accessible, incorrect function? I also tried a card reader that shows up as an external drive and get the same message. So I try the floppy, again same message. So I am basically getting the error message on all my drives except the hard drive.

I can however stick a regular music CD in the same DVD drive, open windows media player and it will open. However if I load the CD and go to my computer and try to open the same CD without opening media player I get the ?inaccessible?.? Error again. I tried the XP rolling back thing and that didn?t fix it. I also tried re-loading the drivers for the DVD ROM and that didn?t work either. Device manger also shows that all these devices are working correctly as well.

Any suggestions??



Senior member
Aug 18, 2002
I was about to suggest that you work with only one drive at a time to find the error, then i read the post above this one.

Anyway, you have a hardware issue, may be also connected to software but i still think its a hardware issue.

Try unplugging the floppy and then try the cdrom drive. Or unplugging the cdrom drive and trying the floppy. If one works when the other is unplugged then it is a hardware prob and one of them has got to go.

I am guessing that all was working fine for some time and just started acting up, like this isnt a new build or anything like that is it? If it is then maybe it is a bios setting or something hooked up wrong, maybe wrong ide cable or if its a 66/100 cable then then the blue end has to be on the mobo.



Nov 18, 2000
Well I finally got my problem resolved! I did some "googling" and found that Roxio's Easy CD Creator could cause these sort of errors. I had this on my rig at one point but didn't like it and uninstalled the thing. These errors started a good year after that. So I thought it Roxi burning sofware could cause it then it might be somehow related to
Nero 5. So I uninstalled that and upgraded to a fresh Nero 6 version. Voila! All is running fine now.