DPAD As a Service


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2007
Ok any help would be much appreciated.

I'm using the download from here:


I pasted the new files from the Stephen Brooks DPAD site to get it up to the newest version. Updated the User.txt file. I left the App directory as the default and installed it. The script ran without any errors. When I start the service it runs fine and muon1.exe shows up in task manager but it never starts doing work, just hangs there with 0% processor usage.

I also tried renaming all the settings to install to C:\Program Files\muon2\ so I could set it to run two tasks as a service for the dual core machine. Anywhere it was muon1 I changed to muon2, service name, file name, locations, everything. It also installed without errors and hangs at the same place.

Any ideas? If you want a few screenshots or the text from the .bat files I can post them up here.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Hey Alyx, pm me you're email addy. I'll send you the service installer I made from soni's files. I've installed it on a couple of hundred pcs.. so I know it works! ;)

Oh just another thing, before you start the service, run the muon1_cmdline.bat, if something other than the service install is wrong you'll see it there.


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2007
Ok. Still not going well :(.
amdxborg sent me his installer he uses and I installed it on 3 machines. It worked without a hitch, all 3 running fine. I came back in on Monday and 2 of them aren't working (and 3rd machine is in use so I can't check it). I imagine my install file is correct since I didn't make any changes to what amdxborg sent. Could it possibly be a problem with the account I installed it on? The machines are on a domain and I installed it as local admin, maybe it needs to be installed on a domain admin account?

I'm lost on this one. I'm going to go play with it a little more before lunch (today's a slow day at work) and I'll post back if I find anything.


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2007
Originally posted by: amdxborg
Oh just another thing, before you start the service, run the muon1_cmdline.bat, if something other than the service install is wrong you'll see it there.

I tried this and the program started up no problems. Service still won't work though. *shakes fist to the gods*

I also tried changing the install folder so everyone had full access to it. That didn't change anything either.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Hey there, sorry just checked my mail. How long does the service run before it stops en can you figure out what causes it to stop, ie a restart or something like that? Under the service properties on the Recovery tab you could also try and select Restart the service after subsequent failures for the time being.


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2007
Ok, more info. I ended the task muon1.exe and then restarted the service, this will get it running again. Just restarting the service starts it in the same broken state.

I restarted the machine and logged back in and the process was still working - reboot check!

I logged into the account the folks who use the machine use, which is on a different domain than the machine is joined to and the service stopped working. I'll go check and see if different accounts on the main domain work.