Has anyone seen Nvidia's Frontpage? Hehe oh well and while we're on the news of Doom 3! Gamespot recently posted an article that stated that Doom 3 would ship on April 15th before they had to remove the article.
Since it was delayed last July, Doom 3 has not had an official release date other than "Early 2004." However, online retailers have been listing the game with speculative ship dates, usually in April.
That changed today, when GameSpot learned that Activision may be planning to ship the PC Doom 3 on April 15. While the date has not been announced yet, a source from within Activision's managerial caste told GameSpot the date was "official." The source also said the Xbox version of the game has not yet received a firm release date. GameSpot is actively seeking follow-up confirmation on the date, and will post updates on any developments.
Along with Half-Life 2, Halo 2, and the fifth Grand Theft Auto installment, Doom 3 is one of the most anticipated games of 2004. It was certainly one of the most disappointing delays of 2003, when it was held back for further refinement by developer id Software.
Well here's hoping...