Does your iPhone have 4g?


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2008

As he was introducing the iPhone 4S last October, Phil Schiller took care to note that while the device had dramatically improved cellular data speeds, Apple wasn't yet calling it a "4G" device. "This is what the majority of our competitors claim when they talk about 4G performance," he said, comparing the iPhone's data speeds to a number of AT&T smartphones listed as "4G" despite their lack of next-generation LTE radios. "We're not going to get into a debate in the industry about what's 4G and what isn't — we'll leave that for others to talk about."

Jake Goeckeritz@JakeGoecks13
How bout the new update to the iPhone for AT&T makes it 4g now #movinup
7 Mar 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

That debate has been conclusively decided. On Tuesday, Apple issued the iOS 5.1 software update, and with it came a small but hugely symbolic change: the AT&T iPhone 4S data indicator now reads "4G." Owners of the iPhone will notice no difference in performance or data transfer speeds; the device will not magically connect to AT&T's shiny new 4G LTE network. It will simply receive a deceptive labeling change that allows AT&T to market the iPhone as a 4G device against competitive phones from Verizon — including, perhaps most importantly, Verizon's own 3G iPhone 4S. It is a triumph of marketing for AT&T, and a rare acquiescence to a poor and confusing user experience for Apple.

Rob Pedersen@RobMPed
It is a glorious thing to update your iPhone and see the 3G change to 4G! Didn't even have tobuy a new "4G LTE Phone" #winning #apple
o_O :awe:


Jun 23, 2001
I thought the SGS2 on T-Mobile was "4G"?

I'm honestly surprised to see Apple do this. Isn't LTE the closest thing we have to actual 4G?

TMO has always billed their HSPA+ as 4G. AT&T cried fowl when they did.

What this means is, though, is that we will now have to deal with hoards of iPhone users claiming they have 4G service when its simply the exact same service they had before, AT&T HSPA+.

Second, it also means that Verizon will be pushing hard for LTE in the next iPhone model because any Verizon iPhone 4/4S will say 3G.


Nov 27, 2001
I don't mind this change that much, because it does do one nice thing: it alerts you that in your current area (traveling or whatever), you have HSPA+. I already knew that I have HSPA+ in my town, so I didn't need the indicator, but it's not too bad.

Although, what does worry me is if they'll become too generic with the term "4G". For example, when the next iPhone comes out, it will most likely have a LTE modem in it. Will the iPhone still say "4G" for LTE or will it say "LTE" instead? Personally, since I like the "4G" for it being a somewhat simpler but still informative cellular status indicator, I would highly prefer that they say "LTE" when you're connected to LTE and "4G" for HSPA+.

It is annoying how it's a bit backwards compared to how Verizon uses LTE and 4G synonymously in ads.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
Renaming 3G to 4G is so lol. New iPhone 3GS now with 4G!

iPhone 3GS doesn't have the HSPA+ that the iPhone 4S that AT&T is touting as 4G.

Apple is just doing what AT&T is doing on other phones. Apple said they wouldn't get into the argument about what is 4G and what is 3G.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2006
You should say over their WiMax.

Also this is T-Mobile's fault. They started with this Faux-G marketing.

Actually I think Sprint started it. Their version of WiMax wasn't real 4G either. From
"Sprint Nextel has begun using Mobile WiMAX, as of September 29, 2008 branded as a "4G" network even though the current version does not fulfil the IMT Advanced requirements on 4G systems."

AFAIK the current implementation isn't real 4G either. There won't be a real 4G network until LTE Advanced and/or WiMAX 2.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2011
As long as they're just going to play fast and loose when describing their network, maybe AT&T should just have gone straight to 5G.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001

My Nokia E51 from 2008 was a lot smarter and right from the beginning shows it as connecting at 3.5G on AT&T :)