does the xbox hardware cost more than the $300 asking price?
from pricewatch and for a comparable computer, here is the cheapest of prices for an xbox clone pc:
- Intel Pentium 3 733Mhz $83
- NVIDIA GeForce 3 Ti200 $199
- Micron 64MB DDR $20
- 5X DVD-ROM $28
- 10GB harddrive $50
from that alone, it's $380. that still doesn't include casing, networking, motherboard.
from pricewatch and for a comparable computer, here is the cheapest of prices for an xbox clone pc:
- Intel Pentium 3 733Mhz $83
- NVIDIA GeForce 3 Ti200 $199
- Micron 64MB DDR $20
- 5X DVD-ROM $28
- 10GB harddrive $50
from that alone, it's $380. that still doesn't include casing, networking, motherboard.