YOu wanna know what works.
Hard work.
Plain and simple and lots of cardio. Cardio is more important in getting great abs than actual ab excercises.
chances are you already have developed abs but they are hidden by a layer of fatty tissue etc. YOu would ahve to do 10x teh ammount of ab excercies to burn this off and it may still stay. Crunches with weights are good. There are many ab excercies but diferent ones work for different people. FOr example crunches didn't really work for me so i found som other excersies which did the trick. Be patient though. IT can take months for your abs to show. Just stay at it and think of the eventual rewards. ONe day you'll way up look in the mirror and realize all that work wasn't in vain. I would suggest doing ab excersises 3 tiems a week and cardio everyday if you can (even if it's only a jog or a quick bikeride.)
I am not a medical profesional (at least not yet
THerefore take my advice with a grain of salt and please please please consult your doctor before starting on any diet or excersise program. Also i cannot gurantee results as this method didn't really work for me but it does for 90% of the population and therefore is the best advice i can give.