Does Hardware (non winmodem) pci modems with v.92 + v.44 exist?


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
I found out that external serial v.92 v.44 modems are useless when it comes to v.44 compression because of the speed limitations of the serial port. Do pci hardware (non winmodem) v.92 + v.44 modems exist? I can't find one in the zoom or USR lineup...would like to know if any other brands might have something like this.

Its bad enough having to shell out money for dialup and a modem, i want to get the best possible.. (and yes my future isp will support these protocals + and no i cant get broadband)


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
I *think* that the Creative Modem Blaster PCI is a hardware based one, obviously not as hardware based as the old ISA ones but should do the job.

The reason I think it's hardware based is because all the HSP/HCF/Soft/Winmodems I have seen generally have system requirements like 300/400mhz Pentium II's while this creative one can run on a Pentium 133.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
A hardware modem wouldn't have a p166 would be more like a 486dx66. That creative labs modem is a winmodem and their modems are probably the biggest pieces of sh!t I've ever dealt with.


Senior member
May 9, 2002
If you already have a good v.90, just keep using it and don't waste your money. If you need a new modem, then buy a v.92 but don't expect much, if any, improvement. You're almost surely not going to notice the difference between the two. In my experience, USR modems are the best at dealing with noisy lines, which used to be my main problem back in the "dark ages" before my cable modem.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
Well...i have a winmodem that connects at 45.2k to 46.6k. Its actually a modem I borrowed from a friend when I lost my cable modem access of 3 1/2 years after I moved to a different apt. I was thinking of getting a hardware modem anyway just because of the obvious reasons over a winmodem so might as well future proof it with v.92 + v.44. So I guess I am back into the dark ages so I'll have to make the best of it. And it turns out that the ISP i was going to go with actually doesnt support v.92...and is just misleading in their advertisements. (They'll support it in the near "Future")

I'm thinking I might just go with a 2nd phone line, one of those cheap deals where it only recieves incoming calls.