Oh, so you support spending trillions of dollars on the military now? What was all that whining about Iraq then?
Holy logical fallacy. Supporting the existence of an entity does not equal supporting every decision that it has made.
Oh, so you support spending trillions of dollars on the military now? What was all that whining about Iraq then?
It is extremely amusing to listen to Democrats blast Reagan and his trickle down economics, then insist that we send vast amounts of money to Washington and hope some of it comes back.
Holy logical fallacy. Supporting the existence of an entity does not equal supporting every decision that it has made.
I have no expertise in building and deploying nuclear powered aircraft carriers, therefore I send my money to the federal government so they can do this on my behalf.
I don't have any experience waging war on brown people so I send my money to the federal government so they can do this on my behalf.
Not all government spending is good spending. Infrastructure spending certainly is, though it has to be in a competitive environment.
You can argue against the SS and Medicare programs, but there is no denying that it lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty.
An example would be rural electrification; while many of these utilities are still private sector, the project that made them feasible would never have been feasible as a purely private sector venture.
Ah, so what you're then saying is that government DOES NOT spend our money better than us. If a hat was passed around to collect money for the Iraq War Fund, do you think we would have gone to war? Probably could have saved a lot of lives and money if a massive, unaccountable federal government wasn't in charge of declaring war. Or not declaring war as the case is nowadays, just invading any damn country we feel like because goddammit we spend a trillion dollars a year on the military and we sure as fuck are going to want to use it now and then. Amirite?
Democrats are such fools. You create a monster and then believe you can control it.
The bolded is actually the question of the OP though.
While the DoD may be horribly managed, it is still more efficient than everyone having their own private army, which was the point cubby1223 was making.
It is extremely amusing to listen to Democrats blast Reagan and his trickle down economics, then insist that we send vast amounts of money to Washington and hope some of it comes back.
There are many things I believe government does better than I do. Maintaining a military that mostly protects the interests of the country, for one.