Do you think Americans would fight for their rights ?

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Descartes
I find your comment about "trying to do what the kings did" somehow hilarious given the current state of our country. You have your kings, but they don't wear purple coats and sit in thrones.

And yes, I think the average American feels a sense of hopelessness when it comes to changing anything. Personally, I feel absolutely exhausted just trying to have a conversation with people that frequent P&N and people in the real world. It's like sports fanaticism, though in this game there is no winner. People are more interested in "winning" (winning what, I don't know) and catering to their teams without regard for actual discussion.

I know only one thing: If we all sit here and continue to bitch and moan about the silly things that are littered all over P&N, any hopes of any change in any regard will be a distant memory.

You have some insight into how things are but I have explained many times what the game's goals are. Sadly, one of the things that never changes is people's willingness to be frank about this:

People, all of us were put down and made to feel worthless as children. This was done to make us conform. We had to join the millions of different teams those who raised us thought were what make people good. Once inculcated with the team spirit and the new but phony sense that now, as members, we are worth something, we can't allow ourselves to lose. It would take away the phony reasons we use to keep from feeling as worthless as we were made to feel. The poor sad fools who were made to feel good because they are Republicans or Conservatives are going through a king of attack on their stupid egos. They are trying to adjust to the growing sense their teams are dying and can no longer protect them. They are experiencing a kind of psychosis because they are afraid to feel. The fear causes then all sorts of delusions like hope for some sort of revolution that will save them. There is only one revolution and it is to die to the false self. It's not easy when you have a huge fat ego.


Feb 22, 2007
Originally posted by: retrospooty
Originally posted by: Modelworks

You have said nothing relevant , only comments that you want to be insulting . I'm not insulted. In fact I pity you.

I found his comment to be quite relelant and exactly on target.

specifically this part. - "You've swallowed a bunch of shit and have vomited it here. The paranoids on the right have had their brains, such as they are, in overdrive because of fear."

idiotic post... I mean the question posed is a valid one, but the underlying paranoid right wing psycho talk radio rant that thinks because Obama repealing the Bush tax cuts putting them back to where they were under CLinton is cause for revolt. We were prosperous under Clinton. Rich, poor and middle class ALL had it better at those rates.

Where did I say we should start a revolt because of Obama ?

I used the example of the right to bear arms as something that people might or might not fight for.



Feb 22, 2007
I think people are misunderstanding what I am asking. I am not saying we should become a bunch of gun toting, sign carrying, storm capitol hill militias. What I am asking is where would you draw the line ? What right do you hold most sacred that if the government took it away, would make you start writing your senator, calling them, organizing friends against it ? And if that didn't work how far would you be willing to go ?



Feb 22, 2007
Originally posted by: Atreus21

Start taking away people's cars, houses, money, and belongings. Abolish private property, and the whole country would be united as one.

That is kind of what concerns me. People seem to be okay as long as the creature comforts are there. Things like free speech I don't think people would actually fight for other than complaining .


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2008
Originally posted by: Modelworks
Do you think people would fight for their rights ?

No, I think they are too lazy and would rather sit on their asses and let someone else fight for them while they concentrate and making money and having fun.

Our rights are being eroded so slowly that most people don't notice it anyway.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Hell, I'd fight over the last pork chop. Wait,,,,what are we fighting for again?

n yusef

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2005
People will fight for their rights, when our rights are are worth fighting for. Spending our money on bailouts and taking away guns just aren't as important as being colonized, segregation, suffrage, worker's rights, etc.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Modelworks
Title: Do you think Americans would fight for their rights ?

Society has made us fat, happy, and ripe for bending over. So long as people are comfortable they will not sacrifice that comfort to maintain the Bill of Rights.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: Modelworks
Title: Do you think Americans would fight for their rights ?

Society has made us fat, happy, and ripe for bending over. So long as people are comfortable they will not sacrifice that comfort to maintain the Bill of Rights.

This from a coward who would sell his freedoms to insure people are tortured so he can feel safe.


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2006
Originally posted by: manowar821
Uh... We already are having our rights stripped away, and we have for years, if not decades.

Basically our rights have been degrading since the Govt was formed. Every year thousands of new bills reducing our rights are signed.

As much as I hate the BS that is going on, I wouldn't have a problem with a fight to the death type scenario (guerilla warfare even), as I sure in the hell don't want to end up like China. I would feel like shit for the people that have died to get this country (the good things) where it is.

Although it seems like my free speech has been worthless this year, I can't count how many bills I voiced my opinion on to my reps/senators and 90% were passed.


Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: Modelworks
Title: Do you think Americans would fight for their rights ?

Society has made us fat, happy, and ripe for bending over. So long as people are comfortable they will not sacrifice that comfort to maintain the Bill of Rights.

This from a coward who would sell his freedoms to insure people are tortured so he can feel safe.

Thats one of the things I never understood about the right. They wrap themselves in the American flag and take right away from people because of fear. Take away the cars because they kill way more people every year then all this other shit combined. We don't do that though, because we like the freedom that the car gives us. We are willing to have death because of that freedom. These people just don't think.



Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: mooseracing
Originally posted by: manowar821
Uh... We already are having our rights stripped away, and we have for years, if not decades.

Basically our rights have been degrading since the Govt was formed. Every year thousands of new bills reducing our rights are signed.

As much as I hate the BS that is going on, I wouldn't have a problem with a fight to the death type scenario (guerilla warfare even), as I sure in the hell don't want to end up like China. I would feel like shit for the people that have died to get this country (the good things) where it is.

I've heard this kind of commentary before, especially with regards to the right to bare arms. But seriously, as citizens, does anyone really think that we could hold back the tide of military action if it really came to that?

The technology ratio between government and citizen is probably 1000:1 in contrast to a few hundred years ago where it was maybe 50:1. I'm just throwing numbers out there, but you get the point.

IMO, the people that hold onto their guns and think it's keeping them safe from the government are living in the wrong era. The battle ground is in policy, economy and business, not guns. This lack of progressive keeping is giving the government even more control by catering to such simple-mindedness in their campaign promises.

Although it seems like my free speech has been worthless this year, I can't count how many bills I voiced my opinion on to my reps/senators and 90% were passed.

That tells me one of two things:

1) They didn't listen.
2) They listened, but you represent the minority 10% that feels the same way you do.

Free speech goes both ways and it doesn't mean people have to listen to you.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Descartes
I find your comment about "trying to do what the kings did" somehow hilarious given the current state of our country. You have your kings, but they don't wear purple coats and sit in thrones.

And yes, I think the average American feels a sense of hopelessness when it comes to changing anything. Personally, I feel absolutely exhausted just trying to have a conversation with people that frequent P&N and people in the real world. It's like sports fanaticism, though in this game there is no winner. People are more interested in "winning" (winning what, I don't know) and catering to their teams without regard for actual discussion.

I know only one thing: If we all sit here and continue to bitch and moan about the silly things that are littered all over P&N, any hopes of any change in any regard will be a distant memory.

You have some insight into how things are but I have explained many times what the game's goals are. Sadly, one of the things that never changes is people's willingness to be frank about this:

People, all of us were put down and made to feel worthless as children. This was done to make us conform. We had to join the millions of different teams those who raised us thought were what make people good. Once inculcated with the team spirit and the new but phony sense that now, as members, we are worth something, we can't allow ourselves to lose. It would take away the phony reasons we use to keep from feeling as worthless as we were made to feel. The poor sad fools who were made to feel good because they are Republicans or Conservatives are going through a king of attack on their stupid egos. They are trying to adjust to the growing sense their teams are dying and can no longer protect them. They are experiencing a kind of psychosis because they are afraid to feel. The fear causes then all sorts of delusions like hope for some sort of revolution that will save them. There is only one revolution and it is to die to the false self. It's not easy when you have a huge fat ego.

I agree. Most of what I know of this I've read through books like Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, but the phenomena always seems to be the same. In this book, they give account of a sociology study where New York sent out reports of the city's best doctors. They received a tremendous amount of protest, but not from the doctors; instead, the wives were calling in, because suddenly they lost credibility from their successful husbands.

And so it goes with sports, politics, etc. as you suggest. When teams lose, if your substance resides in that of an entity greater than your own success, their loss is your loss. People will do anything to keep the veil over their eyes.
Nov 29, 2006
No people are pussies nowadays. Most would not do anything but complain. It is kind of sad really. I would take up arms if it got to that point where their was an actual movement against the government.

The pussification of America lets the government do and get away with pretty much anything they want to. But i think that also ties hand in hand with "A Nation Divided". We have so many cultures now with so many beliefs that we are a divided nation. That alone will not allow people to really rally against the governemnt in mass.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: soulcougher73
No people are pussies nowadays. Most would not do anything but complain. It is kind of sad really. I would take up arms if it got to that point where their was an actual movement against the government.

The pussification of America lets the government do and get away with pretty much anything they want to. But i think that also ties hand in hand with "A Nation Divided". We have so many cultures now with so many beliefs that we are a divided nation. That alone will not allow people to really rally against the governemnt in mass.

This is pussie thinking.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Descartes: "I agree. Most of what I know of this I've read through books like Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, but the phenomena always seems to be the same. In this book, they give account of a sociology study where New York sent out reports of the city's best doctors. They received a tremendous amount of protest, but not from the doctors; instead, the wives were calling in, because suddenly they lost credibility from their successful husbands.

And so it goes with sports, politics, etc. as you suggest. When teams lose, if your substance resides in that of an entity greater than your own success, their loss is your loss. People will do anything to keep the veil over their eyes."

A study of the best trial lawyers, in think it was, in New York revealed, contrary to the notion people have about meritocracy, that cream rises, that in fact these best were all Jews born around 1930, had garment worker immigrant parents from Eastern Europe and went to a particular law school in NYC. Poverty had sent them to this law school that was open at that time and being Jews they couldn't get jobs in corporate law. A similar study of the best hockey players shows that their merit as players is based on a single greatness on their part, the fact that they are born in December to March almost all of them.

Nov 29, 2006
Originally posted by: mooseracing
Originally posted by: manowar821
Uh... We already are having our rights stripped away, and we have for years, if not decades.

Basically our rights have been degrading since the Govt was formed. Every year thousands of new bills reducing our rights are signed.

As much as I hate the BS that is going on, I wouldn't have a problem with a fight to the death type scenario (guerilla warfare even), as I sure in the hell don't want to end up like China. I would feel like shit for the people that have died to get this country (the good things) where it is.

Although it seems like my free speech has been worthless this year, I can't count how many bills I voiced my opinion on to my reps/senators and 90% were passed.[/q

There is this new thing called "Paid Speech" :p Been happening for awhile :p


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2006
If enough people got into it then a lot would join and it would begin to grow at an exponential rate. People don't like to do things that let others know they think for themselves or to stand out such as raising their hand in class. Group activities have a psychological effect on humans, people like to fit in and it makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves.

Anyways, the problem however is, right now, the current 'movement' in this country is laziness. This will not change until problem comes to their doorstep. However this is getting more frequent with the loss of jobs, rights, money, and homes. Internet censorship, guns, and religion all have the potential to cause an uprising. Something will eventually break the camels back, just a matter of when and why.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
You would be surprised at what the vast majority of people are willing to tolerate as long as you do not mess with their property and family.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
If things got bad enough yes, but things are not bad. Despite all the problems with the economy, most people are still employed and enjoy a very good standard of living. People don't give a shit about the national debt or stuff like that because, let's face it, currently it doesn't effect them. They will start to care when politicians have to jack up taxes to keep our country solvent, but until then the people in DC are more than happy to cut taxes to appease the public and just run up the deficit. It's like free money (at least, until we have to pay up).