I used to have Frequency Toric lenses, and while I thought they didn't give me great vision at night, I was able to wear them for over a year with no change in vision or comfort (they are one month lenses.) To make sure I wasn't just getting used to them I took the old pair out and put a fresh pair in and it felt no different. This past December I got a new prescription and was given Acuvue Advance. They were really comfortable, the first time I put them in I couldn't even tell I was wearing them. The issue with them is after a week to two weeks, they're useless and my vision is all blurry. It's odd though, some lenses will last a month, others a week. It seems that there is no consistency between lenses. I think I'm going to head back and ask for a trial pair of the Frequency again and see how I like them with the new prescription.