Do you LIKE to argue


Senior member
Mar 13, 2000
I have come to realize that I LIKE to argue. There is this guy who makes me fume with anger because he a total idiot and dumb as a stump. He hates all races and knows no real facts but thinks he knows everything. I argue with him all the time.. all the friggin time. Everything he says is irritating and makes me nuts. Well I wondered today, why do I keep going back around this guy. I must LIKE to argue. Then when I thought about it, I argue all the time with everyone and if someone agrees with me I feel let down. Am I alone here?


Senior member
Mar 13, 2000
Originally posted by: redly1
Do you LIKE to argue? got a problem with that :disgust:

Yep that is what I was thinking. A co-worker said that everything I say drips with sarcasm and I was hurt by that but I actually think he may be right. It is weird to look at yourself from time to time and realize you do things that are wrong and you did not even realize it.
Hmmm well if you can not grow and learn you must be dead, at least I read that once on the back of a car.



Jul 7, 2001
i like to argue, but not like you.

i only enjoy arguing very rarely. this is not because i don't like arguing, but because it's hard to find someone else who is a.) not an idiot, b.) willing to argue, and c.) knows how to do it right.

to me, an enjoyable argument is almost more like a discussion... just that the sides have solidified opinions. i hate it when people start calling names, insulting, or something else that they use to change the topic because they are unwilling to admit their fallacies and/or they are not bright enough to come up with a counterattack.


Feb 12, 2001
Originally posted by: gopunk
i like to argue, but not like you.

i only enjoy arguing very rarely. this is not because i don't like arguing, but because it's hard to find someone else who is a.) not an idiot, b.) willing to argue, and c.) knows how to do it right.

to me, an enjoyable argument is almost more like a discussion... just that the sides have solidified opinions. i hate it when people start calling names, insulting, or something else that they use to change the topic because they are unwilling to admit their fallacies and/or they are not bright enough to come up with a counterattack.

I agree with gopunk. The last time I remeber an argument that was actually good was in fact with gopunk on the topic of mandatory abortions for drug addicts.


Apr 5, 2001
Conversing and debating are based on logic and have rules. Arguing is based on emotion and has no rules

If you find that you enjoy "arguing" then you are just getting an emotional thrill from disagreeing with another person.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2000
I found that I will take a side that I do not even believe just to continue an argument. THAT is bad.
I have to stop.


Sep 15, 2002
Heh, I love to argue if...

1)I know what I say is right or I belive in my opionion.

2)I can back myself up

3)I am not in a shitty mood

4)Will not use any physical violence threats, etc...

5)Open to change in my opinion, or if they prove me wrong.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2000
4)Will not use any physical violence threats, etc...

Actually that is what made me think of this more. I got into a fist fight at the park with another parent because his dog what messing with my dog. We argued over who should leave. I believed his dog was causing the problem. I left the area but then went back and trouble started. I wondered why did I go back over there knowing he was still there. Why because I am a jerk with troubles is what I am guessing. I am going to work on this a great deal. I was very upset to realize I have this desire to argue and I am even willing to use physical violence. What messege does that send to my son who was with me at the park. That is the saddest part for me. He made me realize I was an A$$ and told me I embarresed him. Sad in deed.


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: notfred
Originally posted by: gopunk
i like to argue, but not like you.

i only enjoy arguing very rarely. this is not because i don't like arguing, but because it's hard to find someone else who is a.) not an idiot, b.) willing to argue, and c.) knows how to do it right.

to me, an enjoyable argument is almost more like a discussion... just that the sides have solidified opinions. i hate it when people start calling names, insulting, or something else that they use to change the topic because they are unwilling to admit their fallacies and/or they are not bright enough to come up with a counterattack.

I agree with gopunk. The last time I remeber an argument that was actually good was in fact with gopunk on the topic of mandatory abortions for drug addicts.

awww.... shucks :p yea that was a cool argument :)

in response to happypuppy... you are correct (i think)... i probably enjoy debating, not arguing. everybody tells me i should be a lawyer... i'm still trying to decide whether that's a good or bad thing :eek:


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: iam4u2nv
4)Will not use any physical violence threats, etc...

Actually that is what made me think of this more. I got into a fist fight at the park with another parent because his dog what messing with my dog. We argued over who should leave. I believed his dog was causing the problem. I left the area but then went back and trouble started. I wondered why did I go back over there knowing he was still there. Why because I am a jerk with troubles is what I am guessing. I am going to work on this a great deal. I was very upset to realize I have this desire to argue and I am even willing to use physical violence. What messege does that send to my son who was with me at the park. That is the saddest part for me. He made me realize I was an A$$ and told me I embarresed him. Sad in deed.

uh yea i hope you don't get your son into youth sports... you might turn out to be one of those psychos that kills the coach because of playing time or something :Q


Senior member
Mar 13, 2000
uh yea i hope you don't get your son into youth sports... you might turn out to be one of those psychos that kills the coach because of playing time or something

Hopefully just realizing I have this issue will be enough to change. That is my goal. I like to teach my son and see him grow but every now and again he teaches me.


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2001
I like to argue. However, once the other person disregards logic, then I prefer to stop.



Dec 12, 2000
I enjoy debating an issue with someone, but an arguement to spice things up once in a while is nice too.


Elite Member
Feb 27, 2001
No, I don't really, but I find myself arguing all the time with different people... usually because when I have an opinion it doesn't change very often and I'll defend it till there's no point in defending it any longer...


Jan 15, 2000
yeah, I argue with my friends all the time. its just that I am always right and they're wrong :)

"Yep that is what I was thinking. A co-worker said that everything I say drips with sarcasm and I was hurt by that but I actually think he may be right. It is weird to look at yourself from time to time and realize you do things that are wrong and you did not even realize it."

Huh? You were hurt because someone told you that everything you "say drips with sarcasm"? Are you in love with your co-worker; hence trying to impress your co-worker? Otherwise, why would it matter that he thought so of you? Or are you this "too sensitive" person? Can't you make light of situations and see the positive in comments? I would be thrilled if someone made that statement to me.

All right, I confess: As you may have already noted, I love to argue. In fact, I've been accused of being argumentative . . . not that I really wanted to be, as we just happened to disagree at the time. It's all good though because I realised that I could use that skill to argue in court through pursuit of a law degree! ;) Yaaaaahooooo! :D

Edit: And of course there are many definitions of "argue", not necessarily Happy Puppy's choice of definition. :p One of the definitions is synonymous with "debate".


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
iam4u2nv - I found that I will take a side that I do not even believe just to continue an argument.

Should we keep this in mind if you pop up in future threads?