People without insurance do to low income usually got it free from the county hospitals anyway.
Not true for ongoing treatments and medical conditions.
Total misconception.
Sure, if you break your arm, hit by a car, poke out your eye, sure you can call 911 or go to the ER, and get one-time care.
But this whole thing with Obamacare, or any type of affordable insurance available to the masses, this insurance expansion was meant for medical care beyond the ER emergency room / panic mode visit.
If you have, say rheumatoid arthritis, you can NOT continue show up at the ER for necessary ongoing treatments.
Or expect to be handed your medications.
If you have cancer, you can NOT continually show up at the ER expecting chemotherapy treatments.
Or your chemotherapy drugs.
That would be your brain dead lunacy misconception as to insurance in America.
People constantly spout off with this dribble about insurance being FREE in America.
Nothing is FREE when it comes to healthcare or insurance.
And while you can get "911 emergency treatment" for an emergency, you will also get billed.
And if the ER discover it was cancer, or AIDS, or the above mentioned rheumatoid arthritis as the cause of your 911-ER emergency room visit, they will treat that one time for that life threatening cause which landed you in the emergency room.
But after that?
You will be turned away and told you need to go see a private doctor.
A specialist.
A private doctor for ongoing treatments and medications.
And when you first walk into that new private doctors office, guess what the very first question you will be asked?
And if your answer is NO, that doctor will NOT and has NOT any responsibility or obligation to treat YOU then, or EVER.
Poverty poor folks might be able to get some state or government assistance, financial assistance for finding/paying for a doctor, or apply for SS disability which takes YEARS to get approved for.
But if you are not poverty stricken... sorry Charlie.
What Obamacare and medicare addresses are all those millions of people "without" the access for insurance.
All those who fall somewhere between the poverty stricken poor and the very wealthy people rich enough to pay cash.
In other words, most of the uninsured working middle-class who's employer offers no insurance.
So I don't know what this illusion is with people that believe anyone can get treatment for FREE in America.
That thinking only applies in the situation of an 911-ER impending emergency.
That "hit by a truck", "falling out of a window", "shot by disgruntle co-workers".
But most people have medical conditions that require much involved ongoing healthcare.
Or the need for daily dosed life saving medications.
Not just some impending 911 emergency condition.
And "ongoing" medical needs/conditions are not now, nor have ever been FREE in America.
THAT is why people and families are forced into bankruptcy, lose their homes, drain their savings, destroy their credit, and are hounded for life from debt collectors.
THAT is our "for profit healthcare" American system.
Obamacare fixed some of that. Attempts to reform.
Obamacare opened up and made insurance more accessible.
And most important, set new rules and regulations as to pre-exisitings, caps, and forcing insurance companies to actually spend more dollars on care and less for advertisement.
People.... people just do not realize the terror to come if Obamacare should be repealed.
Insurance for profit will go F-king nuts not only to catch up with huge premium increases for ""ALL"" employer based insurance, but catch up with dropping all those pre-existing newly insured, dropping those that hit their cap limits, dropping college kids off their parents policies, allow fly-by-night companies to once again sell total crap fine-print worthless policies to the public.
And... create the environment for total healthcare meltdown in America.
IF you want THAT, vote republican in November.
But if you do, DO NOT cry fowl when your employer based insurance costs triple.
DO NOT cry fowl when you spouse or child are dropped from your employer based policy.
DO NOT cry fowl should you lose your job AND THEN also your insurance.
DO NOT cry fowl should someone in your family become seriously ill, and are dropped.
DO NOT cry fowl when you destroy your credit, lose your home, and become bankrupt.
Obamacare may not be perfect, but millions can now have healthcare insurance.
Millions that could never have access to healthcare insurance before.
But considering the publics inability to see beyond their nose, or to ask themselves why republicans are spending billions to swing and fix elections, or examine republican track record when it comes to every social safety net issue, considering people it is anyones guess what will happen.
Just don't cry fowl when you get what you vote for.
That will be too late...