Originally posted by: gar3555
I don't know...it's RL...I mean the graphics are good, but what about the resets, how many guys to I get? kind of sucks only getting one guy...what happens if I lag die...damn..that ain't fair
lame game, good graphics and physics engine but lame game.
The only servers i can find for real life are permadeath PvP servers, i contacted a GM (God as some call him) about getting my character transferred to a PvE non permadeath server so i can respawn if i die, but so far he has not responded to the GM ticket, he must be a blizzard employee.
Things i dont like about the MMORPG called Real Life
1. Takes forever to level, takes exactly one year before you get to the next level.
2. Varying level cap that could end anywhere between 0 and 150
3. Only permadeath PvP servers available
4. No one but the ones from the Dungeons and Dragons guild seem to want to role play
5. The women are much harder to get to strip for you
6. I dont have biseps or a sexy body
7. No ignore list
8. Have yet to be able to get my spells to work, i miss mind control and fear.
9. No server crashes, down time, or patches that take all day, any downtime is my own fault (aka that pesky sleep, i dont know why the dev put that in there)
10. Sometimes, I feel like i am on the alliance side in Elwynn forrest on a PvP server or The Barrens horde side on any server.
The pros about the MMORPG called "real life"
1. Perfect physics engine
2. Plenty of eye candy
3. Everyone has voice overs, so i dont have to read
4. No NPCs, everything is a PC
5. Women are usually (note usually) really women
6. Good crafting system and good offline selling abilities
7. No monthly fee although ingame fees (such as food, housing, and taxes) may apply in some nations