Divinty Original Sin 2 is impossible


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2001
The beginning can be brutal because you are likely missing some stuff, have limited skills and are accidentally starting fights you aren't nearly prepared for.

This guide is pretty good (with some minor spoilers): https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOr...k_level_guide_to_level_4_with_minimal_combat/

In general focus fire and pay attention to armor. If someone has high physical hit them with magic and vice versa. Don't waste your best status effects on people that still have armor to resist up. Have a healer, you can respect once off the island so don't feel like you need one forever but it is very helpful. You also probably want your party balanced between physical and magical. If you have three of one and one of the other (unless that other is just buffs and heals) the odd one out will not be very effective. On the flip you can go for four of one type and just deal with it when you face a group of people with high armor of that type.

If you played Dinvity OS1 there are a lot of differences that can throw off your game so don't go in with old assumptions, wife and I did that and it led to a lot of death until we embraced that 2 is just a different game.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
What difficulty are you playing ? I found the game pretty easy but if you are struggling maybe lower the difficulty ?


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
2 things you need to know.
1) There are 2 types of damage and you can't actually hurt them or (perhaps more importantly) do status effects until you punch that type of armor.
2) Surfaces interact for hilarious effects.

Most of the rest of it is pretty standard RPG stuff.


Golden Member
Nov 29, 2007
I tried Honor mode, the game is impossible. There is no way I would get through the alligator part or the underground place where the prisoners are being held when you escape the fort. Also it's hard to find new quests to lvl up, you have to go up and individually speak with everyone on the island. Maybe there are not enough quests to lvl up enough on honor mode.


Senior member
Sep 18, 2012
Honor mode isn't meant for beginners. I'd take it down a level or two to tactician or classic until your familiar with the systems.

Best Tips that worked for me.
-Go a bit martial heavy (ie attack armor) early. Spellcasters tend to bloom later in the game. Early on you don't have enough spells to be rotating through and have to resort to autoattack. However try to get abilities that can allow each character to target both armor types as you go through the game. Make sure everyone has movement skills as well. I went 3 martial (2H Warrior, Rogue, Ranger) v 1 magic (Mag. Damage/Support/Summoner) and it worked well.

-Get the teleport gloves early, its a quest near where you arrive in Fort Joy.

-DOS2 has some walls in exploration. Sometime if you go one direction over another you end up facing enemies above your level that can wipe the floor with you. Its a bit of experimentation to see the "order" in which the game means you to go. This isn't a hard wall if you are a skilled player but for beginners something to keep in mind.

-Before you start conversations in areas that look like battlegrounds spread your party around and put then in tactical locations. DOS2 likes to "ambush" you right after some conversation and you could be in trouble if the enemy AoE's your party down early.

-Update your gear frequently. DOS2 gearing system is well probably the worst thing about it and gear can become obsolete quick. If a fight is too hard try and get some upgrades even if you need to spend cash/steal.
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Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Be aware that if you start on tactician you cannot lower the difficulty without restarting; but if you start easier than tactician you can always change it later. I played twice on tactician and there are areas that can be difficult (mostly in chapter 1). After chapter 1 it isn't too bad - almost too easy in most areas.