Digital Rebel XT assistance


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2001


I borrowed one of these from work and I started to play with it. I want to take close up shots so I tried it out on a flower. as you can see, I'm not really good at it yet.

the camera will not be held when taking the pic and I'm debating between macro and the "flower" option. which one will take better quality shots? what settings will allow me to take the best pic? show me how to set the settings too as I am not familiar with this camera yet.

I'm trying it out to determine whether I should buy it or not.

thanks for the assitance.

Best place for answers to this is the Digital Video and Cameras forum. Sending your thread there. -Anandtech Moderator DrPizza
Thread locked per the OP no longer needs help (see last post) -DrP


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
On first look, it seems like you have a sharp lens, but your focusing is off. From the looks of the second picture the flower is rather tall (and deep) therefore you have to pick a point on the flower to focus on (and expect the rest to be out of focus). Seems like you picked a point a few inches down the stigma (center).

The camera took a nice shot (can see the hairs on the flower), but the composition (focal point) needs to be improved.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
If you just want some suggestions for settings, I'd say to set the camera to AV (aperture priority) and set the aperture to about f/5.6. Use a tripod and the mirror lock function on the XT. Get the focus exactly on what you want in focus. Keep in mind that even the slightest bit of wind can be a problem. To combat that you could set the shutter speed to about 1/250th.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
First of all, any close up or macro photography starts with the lens. All Canon EF and EFS lenses i have used have a minimum focus distance. That usually varies with the focal length of the lens. The easiest way is to set the camera and lens for manual focus, then set the zoom to near max, and move the camera physically until you have the sharpest focus. Example:



Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
The OP PM'd me regarding this thread (after it was moved to digital video and cameras) with a message that stated to nevermind, he found a guide for the camera to take good pictures. I'm locking this thread so you guys don't continue to spend your time answering someone who isn't looking at the answers. If the OP (or anyone else) wants this thread reopened, I'll be happy to oblige. (PM me.)