Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Hardcore
They just got plastic surgery. They're still ugly, pathetic people inside whom I can't imagine anybody could stand to be around.
So because they're unattractive, they're ugly and pathetic on the inside, and you can't imagine anybody could stand to be around them?
You + ASSumption = silly sentence. They are ugly and pathetic on the inside and I can't imagine how anybody can be around them because they are _ugly and pathetic on the inside_. Did you watch the show? I've never in my life been so impressed at how pitifully low somebody's self-esteem can be. They cry at the drop of a hat, can't imagine how anybody loves them, hate themselves, etc. How could anybody stand to be around them?!
Most of these people had problems all their life. Growing up through all those years with a large nose, being made fun of in schools... those scars lasts much longer than most people think (and isn't your father a psychologist? I would think somebody like you wouldn't be so ignorant). Or they've had a recent crisis in their life (husband that cheated on them, divorce, etc). The Swan, as well as Extreme Makeover, chose people who had these problems specifically, in order to give them another chance. And crying at a drop of a hat, low esteem, hating themselves, etc is pathetic? it's called
DEPRESSION. Well thankfully not everybody is as judgemental or ignorant as you, and don't abandon somebody just because they're in a depressed state.
I ASSURE you that half of them at least will, a few years down the road while eating ice cream and sitting in XXL sweats, watch reruns of this and weep to themselves like the pitiful cry babies they are.
And no, you're wrong. CNN as well as Dateline i believe followed up on people from Extreme Makeover, and most of them were doing quite well.
I thought we were talking about the Swan, not extreme makeover? Forgive me. On on the Swan they took not only people with bad clothing sense, bodies, etc. but also people with sub-human levels of self-esteem. I couldn't act that pitiful if I tried. That's what separates them from people on EM. You can't give somebody a set of braces and expect to make up for decades of self-abuse, which these people have put themselves though.[/quote]
You must not have watched EM either... because people on EM were also very low in self-esteem... hell, what would make somebody take off 4-6 months of their life from their loved ones, undergo painful surgeries and months of painful recovery, if they weren't desperate? And the Swan wasn't all about the surgery, but they underwent therapy as well. One of the things they were rated on (when they were being paired off, not the contest last night, i didn't watch that) was how well they did on therapy.
Boy you're just getting dumber and dumber as the years go by.
The proof is in this thread.