Dell upgrading options?


Jan 7, 2008
Ok i have a 2+ year old Dimension 9150 and i am thinking of either upgrading it or getting a new PC. The thing is i want to make use of the casing cos (gasp) i think its a really cool case and i never had any noise problems, etc with it! The problem is it's a BTX case and so is the mobo. Now i had researched the net from users of the same PC who wanted to upgrade citing the main reason is that the mobo runs Pentium Ds max. I would like a new Quad/Core 2 Duo/AMD Dual core capable mobo. Now from what i gather these are my options:

1) Get a 9200 mobo and cut out an I/O panel at the back (no room for a 9200 MB I/O panel at the back of my 9150 case)
2) Get a Dimension E530/531 mobo <--- no info so far if this works?
3)Screw the Dell, sell it and get a new system with a ATX/BTX case in case BTX is resurrected in the future :p (I think CM 830 Evo and a LianLi i saw fits the bill)

What would u gurus advise me? Thanks in advance to anyone who could help a newbie here :p



Senior member
Dec 24, 2007
get rid of dell. You're lucky your Dell runs Pentium D, my only supports P4 AND it does not have a PCIex16 or AGP slot.


Golden Member
Apr 22, 2001
Get rid of dell and build your Own ring, the best thing you can do.


Jan 7, 2008
Whoa thanks for the replies guys - appreciate it >< So no hope for exploring options 1 & 2 then? I was eyeing some used 9200/E521/E520 mobos which are all BTX and i was thinking of a stop gap measure before i go all out for a DIY rig :p


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007
Originally posted by: batuchka
Whoa thanks for the replies guys - appreciate it >< So no hope for exploring options 1 & 2 then? I was eyeing some used 9200/E521/E520 mobos which are all BTX and i was thinking of a stop gap measure before i go all out for a DIY rig :p

I'd keep the Dell box around - if only for some mod fun. The problem with a btx chassis is that a bunch of engineers went over-anal into design and function. Maybe buy a tuner card and turn it into an htpc ...

When you venture outside of their specs & guidelines envelop the btx ventilation, cooling, structural and design standards go to sheet. Of course, I take pleasure in drilling, cutting and riveting their hard work to the moon -- :D

It's not really practical --- but it's fun!

And build another rig for your day-to-day stuff