Dead Space vs. Resident Evil 5


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
I just finished Dead Space for the first time and playing through again with all the upgrades.

I picked this game up for $25 bucks after eyeing since launch. I never bought it because I really wasn't expecting a whole lot from EA (who ever does?).

After beating RE5 twice in a row and now Dead Space, I can honestly say dead space was a much more satisfying experience.

It took me about half the game to get over the fact that the two games are almost exact carbon copies concerning gameplay. However Dead Space excelled in many areas that RE5 failed IMO.

First, you can move while shooting! This made fights much more thrilling and believeable to me. Frantically running through dark rooms being chased by super slashers is something I will not soon forget.

On top of the more furious, fast paced gunplay, Dead Space far exceeded RE5 in the horror department. At no point in RE5 did I ever get scared or even flinch. Dead Space however had me jumping out of my seat almost contantly. Dead Space created the horror atmosphere right from the beginning and never let up. By the 5th level I was stomping every single dead body I passed out of fear.

The storyline was much more compelling than RE5. I know RE fans will flame me for this, but I was reading every log trying to piece the story together. In RE5 I cared more about looking down Sheva's shirt or watching her ass jiggle from side to side when she was walking than the actual plot to the story. I was annoyed by the lack of cutscenes I'm Dead Space at first, but in the end I think it was a great choice by the devs. Watching the story unfold while you're in the game went a long ways in keeping the player connected to the story and that horror atmosphere.

Things seemingly miniscule like items and upgrade trees were also better executed in Dead Space. I was low on ammo the entire game and this greatly enhanced the atmosphere. The upgrades were acually pretty hard to earn and you really had to pick and choose what you wanted to upgrade and what you didn't.

Those are just my immediate thoughts after finishing Dead Space. What do you guys think?


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
WHile I have only played the demo of RE5, I can say that I like Dead Space a lot better.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2004
RE5 wasn't even remotely scary and it was the exact same thing as RE4 minus the dimwitted daughter following you around hiding in boxes. Dead Space actually drew me in and scared the shit out of me more than once. That combined with some of the cool weapons and unique puzzles made me enjoy that game much more than RE5 (which I did play through entirely with a friend, not the computer :)).


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
I'm glad that I'm not alone on this one.

Once I got used to the RE5 controls they didn't bother me too much. But what kind of game allows Chris to pull insane melee moves that decapitate zombies, but the same roided-up badass can't even move while he's firing a 9mm pistol? Plus it bothers me to no end how a government agent tasked with saving the world is dropped into hostile territory with a pistol and 13 rounds.

I'm on level 5 of my second dead space and I still can't get over the intriguing storyline (which I'm sure is one of the most overlooked on console shooters. Isaac Clarke is one of the most interesting and enigmatic characters I have played in a long time.

The guy is obviously insane just like everyone else, but when does insanity kick in? It becomes clear as the game progresses, but if you think about it, the guy doesn't seem right from the very beginning. A lot of the "plot holes" I see people complaining about in forums almost seem intentional and are a result of his insanity. Is he hallucinating? Is he just seeing and hearing what his mind wants him to? Even I can't tell what is real in this game anymore.

I hope they make a sequel, but I don't think this hake sold very well and you know EA...


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
Played the whole Dead Space on my X360 - loved it to bits. The whole insanity feel is done excellent imo. Superb graphics, amazing atmosphere. One of the better games I have played on my X360. One thing though that made me rip my hair out - that part where you shoot down incoming asteroids - it was crazy hard with a gamepad for me...

Downloaded the demo of RE5. Liked Shiva... and that's it :p Don't think I'll be buying this game.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
Resident Evil 5 is a far superior game than Dead Space. Saying Dead Space is better is like saying World Heroes is better than Street Fighter II!



Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Looks like RE5 got some votes. I'd really like to hear some arguments for RE5.

Besides Sheva...


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2008
I didn't vote because I haven't played RE5 yet. But I loved Dead Space and I think it's unjustly overlooked. My only minor complaint was that I was hoping for a little more enemy variety. Minor quibble aside, the game really blew me away.


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2004
I thought the RE5 demo was awful. I got the full version free at a gamestop b2g1f sale, and It's so much better than the demo. SO MUCH. Give it a chance. I think I liked RE better than DS in the end.


Jun 24, 2004
I did the demo of RE5. Had I not already played Dead Space first, I probably would have liked it and seen it as a big improvement over RE4 (after all, you can STRAFE! WHOA). But Dead Space completely fixed all the control problems and it simply makes the game feel natural. On top of that, it was very atmospheric and creepy. I loved the weightless segments too.

I know the point of Resident Evil has always been to make the game harder by giving you shitty controls instead of making the enemies faster/stronger, but that just doesn't cut it for me anymore. RE4 was the first Resident Evil to be playable for me (tried the remake of the original on the GameCube and it's probably my least favorite game ever). Dead Space feels like the natural evolution of RE4. RE5 seems outdated by comparison.

I hate having to fight the controls to get a game to work. Therefore, Dead Space wins by a mile. It still restricts how much ammo you find, and the enemies seem to move faster than the ones in RE5 in order to balance out your greater mobility (and thus greater power).

EDIT: BTW I haven't even finished Dead Space yet. I tend to game in small chunks. I'll do a couple hours of a game one day and then put it down for a month or two and do other games in the meantime. I'm not on a DS "kick" right now but I will be again pretty soon. I do want to finish the game.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Ive only played the demo of RE5, so I cant say for sure. I did enjoy Dead Space a lot, other than feeling like a gopher running all over fixing things. I liked the upgrade system, and REALLY like the no hud deal. Everything you needed to know what on the suit, ammo, and health mainly. I also enjoyed the rotating barrel and cutting off the enemies legs. Some times, you had to do this.

But complaining about RE5's lack of strafing is silly. Its always been like that, you either like it or not. Personally, its fine with me.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Ive only played the demo of RE5, so I cant say for sure. I did enjoy Dead Space a lot, other than feeling like a gopher running all over fixing things. I liked the upgrade system, and REALLY like the no hud deal. Everything you needed to know what on the suit, ammo, and health mainly. I also enjoyed the rotating barrel and cutting off the enemies legs. Some times, you had to do this.

But complaining about RE5's lack of strafing is silly. Its always been like that, you either like it or not. Personally, its fine with me.

Agreed on the RE5 controls. It sucks at first to have to stop and shoot, but both games balance out IMO.

In RE5 the enemies seem to come at you from farther away, there's less enemies that attack you from behind and the magic quick turn allow you to get seperation. Plus, has anyone noticed that the enemies in RE5 do not immediately attack you when they get 2" from your face? There's a 1-2 sec grace period where they just stand there.

Compared with Dead Space, enemies are fast, drop in from vents right above you, ambush you from behind while you try and take limbs off another enemy and absolutely tear you a new asshole (literally) if they get right on top of you.

In Dead Space, shoot 'n scoot is the bread and butter, but the "friendly" and forgiving game play makes it a non-necessity in RE5.

Like I said before, DS puts itself way above RE5 in terms of story, atmosphere and upgrade trees.

I too found the "gopher" missions a bit excessive at first, but once you realize you are nothing but a pawn, it makes the entire thing come together. You know it, but isaac's obsession with nicole and state of insanity cause him to go to any length to rescue someone who may or may not be alive. Well done.

Why did I go through all that crap in rE5? Oh yeah to rescue my partner who I wasn't even excited to see. Seriously, did anyone else notice the giant pink elephant in the helicopter wih chris, sheva and jill at the end? Talk about awkward. I was half expecting sheva to wink at chris and push jill out of the side.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005
Dead Space wins in the atmosphere and horror department but Resident Evil 5 tops it in terms of gameplay, extras and presentation, at least in my opinion.

In the end I prefer RE5 but Dead Space is an amazing game as well, definitely the better horror game.


Senior member
Jan 9, 2009
I just wrote off DS as another Doom with 3rd person view, fun but ho-hum same old stuff. This is of course just from the demo, so yes, based on what everyone is saying, seems like I pre-judged it too early.

I did however buy RE5. I know it wasn't going to be scary and didn't expect it to be, and I wrote about it already in the RE5 thread. Sheva was a big factor in buying the game. Yes, I am shallow. But it only cost me $15 and a worn out sixaxis, so I'm not crying about it. I don't have a big desire to play it, I've only gotten up to the point where you have to shoot the bus at the bridge. But Sheva, yes Sheva...mmmmmmmmm

I might pick up DS when it's under $20. I've got too many games right now.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
What does Dead Space do that Resident Evil 4 (and by extension 5) didn't already do? Nothing, other than you can move and shoot. People complaining about the controls are just setting up a straw man. The ONLY difference is that you have to stop and shoot in RE5. Kind of lame? Yes, but it works within the confines of the game.

I have played both, and like I said, Resident Evil 5 is far superior.

Dead Space = World Heroes (in other words, a cheap imitation of the real thing)
Resident Evil 5 = Street Fighter II

I was one of the people who cried "ZOMG TEH CONTROLZ IN RE5 R TEH SUXXORS!" when I played the demo. However, since I've been a huge fan of Resident Evil since the original came out (still owning the big black box version from the PSOne), I rented it from GameFly. Playing the full game opened my eyes on to all the goodness packed within. I rented it for a few days, and bought it immediately after I sent it back.

Those saying RE5 sucks, have you:

- Actually played the full game?
- Done anything other than play the story mode for an hour?
- Played on Veteran? Professional?
- Played online co-op?
- Played Mercenaries?
- Played online Mercenaries?
- Tried speed-running the game?
- Tried playing Professional without infinite ammo and going for all S rank?

If you had, you would realize what a deep and engaging game RE5 is. Mercenaries by itself is worth the price of admission.

For fans of Resident Evil, RE5 is the real deal. Hangers-ons wouldn't understand. I don't think Capcom is sweating Dead Space much anyway. ;)

And no, I didn't buy it for Sheva. She is all right, but I would actually much prefer someone else being your sidekick in the game. It would just be more fitting seeing as how RE5 is the "end of this storyline".

So, the main arguments against RE5 are:


No it's not, but it's suspenseful. Being surrounded by a mob of Manjini's and having an Executioner running right at you on Professional will get the adrenaline going. Of course, nobody would understand that playing in Amateur or Normal (or the demo!)


They are DIFFERENT. The game controls just like Dead Space and Gears of War, EXCEPT you can't move and shoot. It's with it. Different is not bad.

I think most folks whine because it is too hard for them so they quit without actually trying. True fans of Resident Evil will understand the amazing depth presented by the game. Plus, the story provides good closure to a decade long saga. :)


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2008
Personally, based on my experience with RE4 and what I've read of RE5, I think this is a pretty unfair comparison. While both RE5 and Dead Space are third-person shooters, they really aren't in the same genre. Dead Space is real survival horror in the vein of the original RE, while RE itself has become an action franchise. I think those of us expecting the suspense of the original are disappointed to find the series turning into shoot 'em ups. Which isn't to say they aren't above-average, enjoyable shoot 'em ups (I had a lot of fun with RE4), just that they've moved on from the genre they once pioneered, while titles like Dead Space take up the slack.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
deadspace is the better solo game.

RE5 is way better than Deadspace when you are playing co-op though. Not really fair comparison since Deadspace doesn't have co-op but it is what it is.

I never had a co-op experience as fun as RE5 and I'm not even half way done yet.


Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: RyanPaulShaffer
What does Dead Space do that Resident Evil 4 (and by extension 5) didn't already do? Nothing, other than you can move and shoot. People complaining about the controls are just setting up a straw man. The ONLY difference is that you have to stop and shoot in RE5. Kind of lame? Yes, but it works within the confines of the game.

I have played both, and like I said, Resident Evil 5 is far superior.

Dead Space = World Heroes (in other words, a cheap imitation of the real thing)
Resident Evil 5 = Street Fighter II

I was one of the people who cried "ZOMG TEH CONTROLZ IN RE5 R TEH SUXXORS!" when I played the demo. However, since I've been a huge fan of Resident Evil since the original came out (still owning the big black box version from the PSOne), I rented it from GameFly. Playing the full game opened my eyes on to all the goodness packed within. I rented it for a few days, and bought it immediately after I sent it back.

Those saying RE5 sucks, have you:

- Actually played the full game?
- Done anything other than play the story mode for an hour?
- Played on Veteran? Professional?
- Played online co-op?
- Played Mercenaries?
- Played online Mercenaries?
- Tried speed-running the game?
- Tried playing Professional without infinite ammo and going for all S rank?

If you had, you would realize what a deep and engaging game RE5 is. Mercenaries by itself is worth the price of admission.

For fans of Resident Evil, RE5 is the real deal. Hangers-ons wouldn't understand. I don't think Capcom is sweating Dead Space much anyway. ;)

And no, I didn't buy it for Sheva. She is all right, but I would actually much prefer someone else being your sidekick in the game. It would just be more fitting seeing as how RE5 is the "end of this storyline".

So, the main arguments against RE5 are:


No it's not, but it's suspenseful. Being surrounded by a mob of Manjini's and having an Executioner running right at you on Professional will get the adrenaline going. Of course, nobody would understand that playing in Amateur or Normal (or the demo!)


They are DIFFERENT. The game controls just like Dead Space and Gears of War, EXCEPT you can't move and shoot. It's with it. Different is not bad.

I think most folks whine because it is too hard for them so they quit without actually trying. True fans of Resident Evil will understand the amazing depth presented by the game. Plus, the story provides good closure to a decade long saga. :)

WRONG! RE5 sucks, DS pwnz



Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Ok, well, seems Dead Space is more popular and I agree!

But now I have a question for those of you who have beat DS twice and loaded your cleared game for a third run:

Did you get your 50,000 credit and 10 power node bonus?

I just beat my second run through and loaded my cleared game so I could get all the trophies. But I didn't get any bonus! When I look at my saved game file it says "rd: 3", but I started off with 0 nodes and same amount of credits as I ended the second playthrough with.

Is that how it's supposed to be? I thought upgradin the last few weapons was gonna be cake, but apparently not.


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Originally posted by: bl4ckfl4g
deadspace is the better solo game.

RE5 is way better than Deadspace when you are playing co-op though. Not really fair comparison since Deadspace doesn't have co-op but it is what it is.

I never had a co-op experience as fun as RE5 and I'm not even half way done yet.

This is so true. Every coop game out, i play it only in coop. I've never had more fun in a two player coop than RE5.