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Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2000
Anyone watch this show?

I'm just seeing it for the first time. They're dismantling this 18 wheeler looking for drugs because they "had intel" that it was loaded with meth or something.

The episode isn't over yet, so I don't know if they'll actually find anything, but they're really working the driver. He's in cuffs and just being harassed by these agents. I doubt they'd show it on TV if he did, but he hasn't asked for an attorney. Are people really this stupid? Cops stop you, cuff you, and start tearing apart your vehicle -- even if you're 100% innocent and you know it, shut up and tell them you won't proceed without counsel.

It's amazing what people will allow in terms of searches on these TV shows, and it's perfectly legal because he hasn't invoked his right to counsel.

EDIT: They found a shit-ton of meth. Guy deserves to go to jail, but he's an absolute idiot for how he handled the search.
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Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
Well if they had probable cause for the search, it wouldn't have mattered whether he asked for a lawyer, right?

I don't think a lot of people understand their rights, though. For example, when a cop pulls someone over and asks them if they can search the vehicle. I guess some people don't realize they're allowed to tell the cop no.. lol


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Even without counsel you can refuse to be searched. If the search is conducted anyway without reasonable cause then in most cases the evidence should be thrown out.

I would be willing to bet most of the boring details that provided the 'intel' (it usually has to be pretty specific and from a believable source) was edited out.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
I would be willing to bet most of the boring details that provided the 'intel' (it usually has to be pretty specific and from a believable source) was edited out.

'intel' could mean they got a search warrant from a judge before the whole event started, so with a search warrant, they don't have to ask the person anything
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