Originally posted by: kevinthenerd
An article in Racecar Engineer got me interested in the possibility of an electric racecar, so for my purposes here, longevity isn't as important as a few good laps of performance.
What you've described is nothing more than what a few minutes of Googling yielded me. Yes, a torque curve is typically a downward sloping straight line from max torque to max speed, but WHY? Physical meaning is what I'm asking for here. Why should the torque roll off when the speed goes up, and why is this rolling off linear instead of the quadratic rolling off predicted by air friction?
In most cases, frictional losses in electric motors are small - and tend to get smaller as the motors get bigger. For a 100 hp motor, frictional losses are in the region of 1% at full speed.
In the case of DC motors, the maximum power is determined by their nominal operating voltage. Torque is proportional to current, which is proportional to (supply voltage - back e.m.f). Back e.m.f is proportional to motor speed. Hence you get the simple linear relationship described above (assuming constant voltage).
Has anyone ever bothered to optimize the interal components of an electric motor to minimize air resistance for high speed operation?
Yes. Electric motors are enormous consumers of electricity - approx. 55% of all electricity in the US goes to power motors. In terms of cost, over its lifetime an industrial motor will cost about 100x as much to run, as to buy. Gaining an extra 1% efficiency is a very big deal, so manufacturers have put huge effort into optimising their motors - use of very high temperature insulation and smaller cooling fans is just one such optimisation.
Besides overheating, what limits somebody from overdriving the hell out of a motor to get more torque?
The effect of mechanical stresses on the coils or the core. Core saturation (where increasing the current doesn't increase magnetic field strength any further). Voltage rating on the motor insulation.
Has anyone ever thought about using superconductors in high-performance electric motors?
There's some interest in superconducting motors and generators, mainly for train and ship propulsion. Higher efficiency and lower weight/size are key benefits. The big problem is that the superconducting wire is very expensive and very fragile.