Damaged CPU?


Junior Member
Nov 8, 2004
I am thinking I am going to need to buy a new cpu...but I just want to put my problem out there to hopefully validate my diagnosis or come up with some different ideas.

I was getting restarts and fatal errors usually while gaming.(sysdata.xml and .dmp) It seemed to coincide with a game install so I thought it was the game.

I have been slacking on monitoring my system so I decided to check temps...they were 80c plus with all my fans running...surprised the thing didnt just let out a puff of smoke.

I take the side off and come to find out my stock heatsink was completely clogged with dust. I take that off and put on a TT heatsink I had lying around( didnt use before becuase of noise.) Temps where now about a stable 43c in MBM and 50c on my digidoc 5.

I started it back up but found that it was not recognizing the cpu speed. At this time I was able to boot into windows if I just reset the CMOS and F1 into windows without playing with BIOS settings (the bios was recognizing my +2000 as a +1500). The first time during boot I get the CMOS default error and after restart the CPU is unworkable...but it still boots up windows. If I go into the bios and set..lets say the boot sequence...I will then save and restart but then it doesnt even post.

I was able to get the computer to recognize the correct CPU but here is where I am now

1. Try safe mode but it would freeze at mup.sys

2. I have two sticks of memory ....any combination did not make any change and It passed the memtest when I could boot into windows

3. Tried to get to repair screen but it would freeze on the blue windows setup screen and I am not proficient with automated recovery.

4. I tried to test the harddrive with powermax but it just reboots when the test starts.(I tried it after cmos reset and it tested fine)

5. Starting windows normally would just get me a big stop 0x0000007E BSOD.

6. There is only the initial short beep, indicating normal post

7. Sometimes it would reboot a couple times and then attempt to load windows(resulting in a BSOD)

8. Latest bios already installed

I have googled my !@# off but I have seen everything from disabling the mup.sys, drivers and faulty hardware, I am just looking to narrow it down a bit.

I have fried a CPU before but I have no experience with partially faulty CPUs so the behavior of being able to boot up at a lower speed and only with an unchanged bios seems strange to me.

Can someone help me understand or relate to my problem?

Thanks in advance
Abit KD7-S
Athlon xp +2000
Maxtor 60gb
ATI 9800 pro
Creative live 5.1
512MB pc2700 samsung
256MB pc2700 pny
enermax 356 watt P/S


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
If I follow your post, my bet is that the overheated cpu became unstable at the high temp (similar to bad OC) and has corrupted your install of Windows.



Senior member
Oct 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Fern
If I follow your post, my bet is that the overheated cpu became unstable at the high temp (similar to bad OC) and has corrupted your install of Windows.


I second that.



Senior member
Aug 16, 2002
/agree Fern

The 2 things I would suggest are:
a.) Finding a known-good compatible CPU and trying that
b.) If a is not an option, then do a fresh install of Windows (even onto a second drive if you don't want to worry about re-installing everything to find that it didn't help)


Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: DetroitSportsFan
Originally posted by: Fern
If I follow your post, my bet is that the overheated cpu became unstable at the high temp (similar to bad OC) and has corrupted your install of Windows.


I second that.

third....i have seen this before


Oct 28, 2004
I'll have to agree on this one. I've had an overheating CPU nerf a good install of Windows before, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to test an alternate CPU just to confirm Window's death then make your replacement decision from there.