Looks firstly I apologize to whoever I offended or hurt in any way. forum members.
Im not trying to be a troll. Look Im not 16 anymore Im 32 gonna be 33 Nov 7.
Im mature enough to not be a troll. I do take a little offense to it I would never call you a troll if you said UT3 is the best game ever IMO ,,,,,,,,,, I simply stated IMO I think UT3 Engine and MW2 are a more smoother and faster and prettier engine then Crysis 2. Apparently people took offense to it but its just my opinion forum members my friends.
Thats all I have to say. God Bless
Armen Abcarians , type my name in google and you get 4,600 results. to buy song different sites are selling it. Anyhow, just as I said Im a Music Producer and a PC Gamer.
I have played doom 1 and woflenstein in 10fth grade. ive seen it all from Descent 1 and so on. Duke 3D dialup multiplayer... doom 2 or quake 1 with dialup. Ive seen and used Windows 3.1 and Dos up to 7.0. I got my degree 15 years ago as a CNE and CNA certificates. Ive had high end jobs and made good money in the past for a short time period. Now Im here and I love it guys, dont ruin it by dumping dirt on my head. Thanks again and God Bless
and PS: Im not new to forums and tech. I was viewing
www.bluesnews.com in 1997 when the voodoo1 and 2d/3d hercules came out which I owned. Ive been a forum member of
www.guru3d.com in 1998. I also used to DL from
www.3dfiles.com which went down since 1996. I believe that wast he domain name. Anyhow once again GB and GG.
Armen Abcarians