I've got a stick of DDR that is bad. I had a server running in the closet, worked great. Turned it off and pulled it out to "harvest" the RAM. Pulled the RAM out and noticed black marks along where the RAM was seated. Closer inspection of the RAM revealed that several of the connector things were charred off. It is really odd that the computer worked great, apparently with charred RAM.
Everything was "normal." BIOS voltage settings were correctly set to default. It was not being overclocked. Everything was running as it was made to.
So now I've got this stick of charred RAM. I'm confident that the source of the damage was not myself; it was either fauly RAM or faulty motherboard, though I stuck more RAM in the other slots on the mobo and it worked fine.
Should I RMA it? What do I tell them?
Everything was "normal." BIOS voltage settings were correctly set to default. It was not being overclocked. Everything was running as it was made to.
So now I've got this stick of charred RAM. I'm confident that the source of the damage was not myself; it was either fauly RAM or faulty motherboard, though I stuck more RAM in the other slots on the mobo and it worked fine.
Should I RMA it? What do I tell them?