O ofiraltarasy Senior member Aug 5, 2005 910 0 71 Aug 26, 2005 #1 I want to get a 19" CRT for my new build, any recomendations???
UsandThem Elite Member May 4, 2000 16,068 7,382 146 Aug 26, 2005 #2 Samsung 997DF. I have been very happy with it.
O ofiraltarasy Senior member Aug 5, 2005 910 0 71 Aug 26, 2005 #3 can you send links, i cant realy find it, and i ONLY SHOP NEWEGG I HATE SHOPPING AROUND
UsandThem Elite Member May 4, 2000 16,068 7,382 146 Aug 26, 2005 #4 Originally posted by: ofiraltarasy can you send links, i cant realy find it, and i ONLY SHOP NEWEGG I HATE SHOPPING AROUND Click to expand... Well, it seems Newegg doesn't carry it anymore. I bought it from Circuit City (they were cheaper than Newegg), and they don't seem to sell it anymore. You can try pricegrabber.com and see who still sells it.
Originally posted by: ofiraltarasy can you send links, i cant realy find it, and i ONLY SHOP NEWEGG I HATE SHOPPING AROUND Click to expand... Well, it seems Newegg doesn't carry it anymore. I bought it from Circuit City (they were cheaper than Newegg), and they don't seem to sell it anymore. You can try pricegrabber.com and see who still sells it.
Googer Lifer Nov 11, 2004 12,576 7 81 Aug 26, 2005 #5 http://store.yahoo.com/shopmiracle/necrdf225wg.html What kind of budget are we looking at?
W w00t Diamond Member Nov 5, 2004 5,545 0 0 Aug 26, 2005 #6 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824001178 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824002280 newegg has the 997DF but its not in stock right now so i guess they just took it off the site.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824001178 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824002280 newegg has the 997DF but its not in stock right now so i guess they just took it off the site.
Googer Lifer Nov 11, 2004 12,576 7 81 Aug 26, 2005 #7 For le$$ cash I would recomend a Viewsonic PF77 With DVI http://www.viewsonic.com/support/desktopdisplays/crtmonitors/proseries/pf77/ or this Analogue NEC http://www.necdisplay.com/products/Prod...lassificationFamily=1&Classification=1
For le$$ cash I would recomend a Viewsonic PF77 With DVI http://www.viewsonic.com/support/desktopdisplays/crtmonitors/proseries/pf77/ or this Analogue NEC http://www.necdisplay.com/products/Prod...lassificationFamily=1&Classification=1
A AMDCrazy Banned Aug 18, 2005 243 0 0 Aug 26, 2005 #8 Get and flat screen Trinitron or Diamondtron tube monitior can't go wrong.
Googer Lifer Nov 11, 2004 12,576 7 81 Aug 27, 2005 #9 http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=Vie...l=en&lr=&c2coff=1&safe=off&sa=N&tab=wf