WTF! Changes to my account my arse...
"If the total of the Periodic Rate Finance Charges for all balance categories is less than $1.50, then a minimum FINANCE CHARGE of $1.50 will be assed on the account in lieu of any Periodic Rate Finance Charges.
We added a Minimum Finance Charge to your account primarily due to a change in our business practices."
So in other words if I use the card (or don't use the card) and pay my balance in full each month I'm still getting hit with a finance charge. It gives instructions on how to reject the change in writing but I don't want to lose this account. It is my oldest and highest limit (30k). These credit card companies are really getting out of hand.
"If the total of the Periodic Rate Finance Charges for all balance categories is less than $1.50, then a minimum FINANCE CHARGE of $1.50 will be assed on the account in lieu of any Periodic Rate Finance Charges.
We added a Minimum Finance Charge to your account primarily due to a change in our business practices."
So in other words if I use the card (or don't use the card) and pay my balance in full each month I'm still getting hit with a finance charge. It gives instructions on how to reject the change in writing but I don't want to lose this account. It is my oldest and highest limit (30k). These credit card companies are really getting out of hand.