I do miss having access to the malls, but its just something you have to adapt to. Instead of going shopping at the local stores, my wife and I order a lot of stuff through sites like Amazon.
Living in a rural area is nice, its quiet, the crime rate is low, no traffic and get from one side of town to the other in 10 minutes.
But overall, my wife and I like the affordable housing here. Instead of buying a 1/4 acre lot, we can afford to buy a couple of acres.
But what do you do with the extra land? Do you grow food? Keep animals for food or sale? Or do you just maintain it?
I love the city life. I don't want a car and would be more than happy using a zipcar every 2 weeks to make a run to costco. Beyond that, a train, a bus, or walking is how I want to get to work.
I also don't mind paying for a place in a nice city. Trails, mountains, beaches, it's all within reach. I can, from my place, walk 1 minute to 4 different bus routes, 6 sushi restaurants (amongst maybe 20 others), a deli, fishmonger, butcher, 3 produce stores, a drug store, and more.
I can also go on a 2 hour run and pass through a forest where you can't see any sign of civilization, run along a beach, a seawall, 2 bridges, and end up at the top of a mountain. A single 2-hour run.
How much is that worth to me? 5 acres in the country and more. It's a matter of personal preference of course, and while it can seem crazy to pay $500k for a 2br condo, there are good reasons for doing it.