When I write technical specs I put as many assumptions as I can into them so the user can't say they didn't know I was assuming something. One lady always responds with changes to the specs and says, every freaking time, "When you assume you make an ass out of you and me." Not like a quote at the end of her sig, but she says it somewhere in her response. Drives me crazy, I've tried explaining that assumptions are part of the development process but she says that is stupid. Ah, functional people...
Oh yeah, forgot "same difference", same meaning you are comparing at least 2 things, and difference saying you are comparing at least 2 things, so you would have to have at least least 3 things so you could say the differences are the same, difference between A and B is the same as difference between B and C, so then same difference. Not same difference between just A and B. I don't know why I'm so picky about this?