Couple of quick/simple questions..


Senior member
Aug 25, 2000
Ok, her we go.

1) After I remove the thermal pad from the heatsink with a razor blade, can I use acetone to clean off the remainding crap on it ??? Is acetone an ideal solution because I dont have any alcohol ?

2) If I have every piece of hardware (cpu, mobo, vidcard, psu, etc)installed except the HDD, I should still be able to boot right ?? Can I still get into the Bios, or DOS ??

3) If I install the Via 4in1's in Win2k before I upgrade to SP1, do I have to re-install the drivers ???

Thanx for havin a look, if I have anymore questions Ill shoot em at ya.


Apr 25, 2001
1) I think copper oxidizes, and acetone helps that i think? Maybe someone else has
a better feel for it, but I don't think you'd want your core to oxidize and
turn green. Isopropyl alcohol is just $0.30 cents in the store.

2) You'd need a boot disk to get into dos, but the hard drive doesn't have to
be in. In fact, just put in the graphics card first and boot up the machine,
and then in turn shutdown , install the next cards/peripheral, and boot again
to make sure the machine works.

3) As far as the service packs go, I don't have any idea.

(edit for spelling, and removed a bad joke :) )


Apr 25, 2001
I'm not sure if it is.

If you are dead set on using acetone, test it on one of the
fins, and see what happens. And if you clean off the bottom,
make sure the entire thing is completely dry.

When I was a kid, I would clean pistols with my dad, and
we would heat the parts on low in the oven. Flash rust
would form in 30 seconds under the heat in combination
with the water. The CPU will get hot, too, and might
cause a problem.

Could you try testing it on a shiny penny? Drop the penny in
some acetone and see what happens. :D


Senior member
Aug 25, 2000
Hmmm, well I guess I could always buy some Isopropyl alcohol seeing as how cheap it is. I would test out acetone on a crappy HS and a crappy Proc, but not my 1.3 Tbird.

Thanx for the responses !!