Originally posted by: error8
It eats up everything. During GTA IV my system memory is getting eaten at around 75-80%. I haven't yet seen a game to use so much ram, until now. What bothers me is that, with all this resources that it takes, the game still looks quite ugly. There is no AA and the shadows are extremely horrible. It looks to me that this is porting gone totally wrong.
Yeah, just a poor port. Remember Halo, how terrible that port was. Same deal here. It runs poorly when it really should not. Sadly it seems like this may be the future of PC gaming in some ways. Consoles selling so much better than PC games and it is harder to pirate PS3 and Xbox games than it is PC games, so I think some devs would just port games over months after the console release and hope they can get at least a few sales on a game that is past its prime and has stagnant sales.
There are only a few true PC game developers left who are willing to write PC specific versions of a game. Bethseda, Crytek, Bilzzard, Valve, ID Software although they haven't been active of late, I guess Activision with Call of Duty although I don't know how much of the game is built especially for a PC, and UbiSoft. I'm not even sure if Fallout 3 or FarCry 2 was written specifically for the PC seeing as it was a simultaneous release for Consoles as well. However, both games run well on a PC so at least there's that.
Anyway, you shouldn't need an i7 or even a Q9550 at 3.8Ghz to get any sort of performance out of GTA4 and I hope this isn't indicative of future PC games. *crosses fingers*