Coordinated Iraqi Raid Frees 100


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2003
Approximately 70 Iraqi's raided a police station and set about 100 prisoners free in Faluja. Here's the Debka link but it's also being reported by the major news services. Debka (an Israeli source) characterizes this as a military style raid that has disasterous implications for U.S. plans.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Debka is a left wing site that only wants the US to fail and will only focus on negative news, not the fact that the coalition has helped produce the biggest tomato crop ever in Basra.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: alchemize
Well, then This must also be true too!

Ha Ha, see what happens when you qoute a crap source. We have discussed Debka many times. Don't start posting from questionable sources unless you want to open pandoras box.


Oct 9, 1999
need another source?
Insurgents have stormed two security targets in the town of Falluja, west of Baghdad, triggering a gun battle which killed at least 22 people.
The daylight raid by masked gunmen was the third major attack on Iraqi defence forces this week, following bombings that left around 100 people dead.

Many prisoners were freed from a police station as attackers went from room to room throwing hand grenades.

Fourteen police officers and three gunmen were reported among the dead.

The same security compound in the flashpoint town was attacked two days earlier during a visit by the top US commander in the Middle East, Gen John Abizaid. He escaped unharmed.

Up to 50 men took part in the latest raid, which also left about 30 people injured.


Feb 14, 2004
The LONGER this war goes on the more convinced I am personally that our country did and is still doing the right thing.

I think the current situation paints a really good picture of what the war on terror is all about. Most of the people being killed are citizens of Iraq who are trying to build a better tomorrow for themselves and thier children. Its the "bad guys" who are killing them (and usually themselves in the process). We are in exactly the right place to take on the terroists.

I only wish we could esculate the situation much further than it currently seems to be. What I mean is it would be good if we could conduct additional fairly large scale combat operations whenever our intellegence would allow it. We need to make it clear to the citizens of Iraq we mean to FINISH waht we started.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Romans828
The LONGER this war goes on the more convinced I am personally that our country did and is still doing the right thing.

I think the current situation paints a really good picture of what the war on terror is all about. Most of the people being killed are citizens of Iraq who are trying to build a better tomorrow for themselves and thier children. Its the "bad guys" who are killing them (and usually themselves in the process). We are in exactly the right place to take on the terroists.
Let's see......

1.) Iraq had no extensive Al Queda connections if any prior to the war starting.
2.) Iraq had no WMD's
3.) Iraq will more then likely fall into a Iran style theocracy lead by the Shiite majority.
4.) The Sunni minority who are largely secular for the most part hate our guts.
5.) Kurds if given the chance will bolt and form their own nation called Kurdistan and Turkey will declare war on this Kurdish state.
6.) Bin Laden is a couple hundred miles to the east of Iraq and hiding in the relative safety of the mountianist and lawless border regions of Pakistan.

I could go on and on.....

I only wish we could esculate the situation much further than it currently seems to be. What I mean is it would be good if we could conduct additional fairly large scale combat operations whenever our intellegence would allow it. We need to make it clear to the citizens of Iraq we mean to FINISH waht we started.

No one has ever one a popular guerrilla war. Not the U.S. not the former Soviet Union and not even Israel. You can't fight a army that does not sit still for you to punch it in the face and which is supported by and hides within the local populace. A large scale combat operation is only feasible if their are large targets to attack. In guerrilla war you concentrate on having small cells of soldiers reeking havoc on the enemy and his supporters from every single angle while maintaining as small a target as possible for the enemy to strike, aka "hit and run" tactics.


Feb 14, 2004
So I suppose you think we should just give up then?

Pretend it never happened?

You enemy is in this for the long haul, so I believe we must be also

PS: Im taking decades or longer... This is really just starting...


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2003
Boys, apologies for Debka. I didn't know it was held in such low repute. The story is, however, true.

Romans828 (Gee, why do I think that's a bible verse?) Liberals were in the position of telling you "Don't screw that sheep." Well, conservatives had to screw the sheep and now you want to ask us what you should do with the child. This is going to be either short and ugly or long and ugly. The question is, do we want to throw good lives after wasted lives or do we need to pull out -- addressing the question of what to do with the conservative's child)? Let's assume for a moment that we're in this for the oil and the upcoming control of the Caspian Basin oil reserves. This article is about the insurgents making a coordinated raid on a defended position. Do you think knocking over an oil pipeline is going to be a problem for them? We'll get more kindness out of Republicans than we'll get oil out of Iraq.

EDITED: Roman, the kind of reply you made (and belive me, many others on this board make it) doesn't face up to what I've said. It's like my 5 year old after I compliment my 7 year old. "What about me?" You guys screwed the pooch and so now your answer is typically. Well what should we do?" And to that question, there are only ugly, unsatisfactory answers. Unlike the answers availble to the question, "Should we invade Iraq?" I hope I don't sound bitter.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Iraq is slipping into a state of Civil War. The Coalition will end up getting caught in the middle of it and will probably become the target of all sides before long. There never was anything "right" about this war, but by the time it's over there will be much wrong "wrong" about it.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2003
And all this happened with the passive cooperation of the population.
Looks more and more like Vietnam.
When was the last time the Pentagon won against a country bigger than Panama?
US stars are popular all over the World. Not US soldiers.
Hollywood can successfully invade the World.
The Pentagon cannot.


Jul 2, 2003
Originally posted by: Nietzscheusw
And all this happened with the passive cooperation of the population.
Looks more and more like Vietnam.
When was the last time the Pentagon won against a country bigger than Panama?
US stars are popular all over the World. Not US soldiers.
Hollywood can successfully invade the World.
The Pentagon cannot.

Further evidence of a global liberal conspiracy.



Golden Member
Jul 30, 2003
Arsbanned. You've got it wrong. Early reports said 100, now you read dozens. By tomorrow, it will be two -- particularly if an administration spokesperson gives the report.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: arsbanned
I read dozens were freed. Now it's 100. At this rate, it'll be thousands by morning.

When I first read the news report on a roof collapse in Russia they said it killed 3. Now I look and it says 14. At this rate, I'll wake up tomorrow and it will say 2.5 million Russians killed. Oh the humanity!


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Nietzscheusw
And all this happened with the passive cooperation of the population.
Looks more and more like Vietnam.
When was the last time the Pentagon won against a country bigger than Panama?
US stars are popular all over the World. Not US soldiers.
Hollywood can successfully invade the World.
The Pentagon cannot.
very true, cultural influence is more powerful than any army, look at Iran, how I see it now they have a more chance of becoming a modern democracy before Iraq does


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Romans828
So I suppose you think we should just give up then?

Pretend it never happened?

You enemy is in this for the long haul, so I believe we must be also

PS: Im taking decades or longer... This is really just starting...
If it takes decades it will be a tremendous waste of money and lives!