Cooking wings...


Apr 24, 2001
So, I'm sitting here at the computer, contemplating dinner, and there are like 8lbs of frozen chicken wings sitting in the freezer. The problem is, they arent flavored, and I dont know how to make some sauce for them. I thought about the obvious solution, pouring BBQ sauce on them and calling it a day, but that seems like it wouldnt turn out very well.

So, ATOT, how do you cook/flavor your chicken wings?


Jan 6, 2002
If you want blah wings just put some BBQ or Hot Sauce on em.

this is the way though...

melt a dish of butter, you need a lot. Dip the wings in the butter, then dip them in your sause of choice, Franks Red Hot is good, but if that's too spicy for you. straight BBQ works, as does BBQ with some Tabasco or Franks (or some hot sauce added) I like mine HOT, but a dab of BBQ doesn't hurt, but I like sweet. Some like to roll the wings in flour after the butter. *I do*

You can get fancy and make honey wings, or some Terryaki red pepper wings That is where you let them soak in Terryaki sauce for about 10 minutes, and you actually cook them in a pan with the sauce and some dried red pepers (the long ones) Just don't overdo the peppers, cos those suckers are HOOOT! *UUUUMMM!!!*

I cook mine in the over @ 350 for about 40 minutes, every 10 or so minutes I open the oven and use a baster to blast them with some more Franks. then drop them in a pan with some oil, I don't have a deep fryer. This step is totally optional. Or you can just deep fry them. make sure you turn them regardless how you do, and when they look golden brown, put them on some paper towels (to soak up some of the grease) then take a taste test, I generally "test" about 6 or wings. You can't be sure the job was consistant if you only test one!

They come out best if you deep fry them only. But they are greasier. You get the crispy skin and the tender middle tho :) You can cook them strictly in the oven, just a longer period. Maybe 1 1/2 hours for 4 pounds, make sure you flip em! If you're going to make 8 pounds it'll take longer tho :)

put them on a plate around the outer edge, then a row of carrots next, then celery, then in the middle a bowl with ya dipping sauce, I like Blue Cheese, but Ranch or whatever you like works. The veggies add color and some "health" to your wings. Doctors say Chicken is healthy, but apparently when you deep dry it in butter and oil it's no long true heheh. But it makes the plate look pretty. I usually say "screw the veggies" and just heap the wings on a plate and eat em while I play SOF II.

optional spices that work.
Worcestershire sauce
Garlic cloves
anything you like basically, experiment man. They are simple to make, and with so many different ways to prepare them, you could have something new to try all the time.

sorry this is so long, but daamit I'm a wing nut, I love to make em and eat em.