Looking it up, it seems that one of the sources (_the_ source?) cited, "Executive Intelligence Review" was published by Lydon Larouche. The infamous former-Trotskyist-turned-strange-conspiracy-theorist-and-cult-leader. I might be misremembering the specifics, but his followers always seemed a bit bonkers to me (believing in a secret 'war' between the Vatican and the British royal family, the latter in league with 'the Jews'). The David Icke of his day. So that doesn't strike me as a particularly credible source.
All the same, it's fascinating what a long overhang the USSR has - what started as an ideologically-motivated scheme to change the world then morphed into a means of furthering the power and paranoid self-interests of Stalin as an individual - with a trace of residue ideology and a lot of added Russian nationalism mixed in - and now seems to have continued, under Putin, long after the collapse of the country and regime and even belief-system that spawned it, to the point that these sorts of stories about Trump can appear at least vaguely plausible.
It’s really simple. They wanted to turn around the childless cat lady thing into “you support cat killing immigrants!”
What an odd story. Was he mowing drunk? I mean, even if the mower had a mechanical failure... you know, get off the mower before it goes into the empty pool?
What an odd story. Was he mowing drunk? I mean, even if the mower had a mechanical failure... you know, get off the mower before it goes into the empty pool?
Aren't they getting a new President next month?On a sadder note.. we might have to invade Mexico to de-Russify it..
You GD liberals with your seatbelts.What an odd story. Was he mowing drunk? I mean, even if the mower had a mechanical failure... you know, get off the mower before it goes into the empty pool?
Yes the iPhones at your local T-Mobile store are going to be intercepted and filled with explosives.
I think people are gonna be buying a whole lot less iphones from now on.. the dangerous of spying from smart tech was always there but things going boom and blowing your genitals out if it's in your front pocket??
Most people will say no thanks.. and the conspiracy theories will be endless.
you were saying???
Apparently lawn mowers are eating cat hairs causing them to malfunction on MAGA congressmen..