Question Connecting secondary router to desktop problem


Junior Member
May 12, 2023
We have a ZTE 2.4G primary router (provided by our ISP) and I connected a new Huawei AX3 Quad Core WiFi6 to it via ZTE router LAN 1 to Huawei AX3 WAN port. Both are functioning now but I want to ask how can I conected the Huawei AX3 to my old desktop? I tried to insert the LAN cable to LAN2 of the Huawei AX3 but there is no internet. It also says, unindentified network and as mentioned no internet.

I used to have a Tenda N301 router connected to the primary ZTE router via wireless universal repeater. From that Tenda router I plugged-in LAN 1 to my desktop Ethernet slot. That was the previous arrangement/connection I have. While the Tenda router still works as a repeater, I want to use the newer Huawei AX3 as a source where I can have a line connected to my desktop.

For now I am using the old Tenda router (repeater) again connected via LAN 1 to my ethernet slot in the desktop.

I am not a techy and much that I know is from intercations with people and some reading only. Can you guys give me some help how to solve my problem please...?

Thank you!

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
Does anything else connected to the AX3 work? If so, check the PC network properties for a static IP and change it to DHCP.

Also, preferred method would be to put the ZTE in bridge or bypass mode to prevent issues with double NAT. Or put the AX3 into AP mode and move the cable to LAN 1 from the ZTE.


Junior Member
May 12, 2023
Hi thanks for your reply.

There isn't anything connected to the AX3 via cable. All wireless connection work okay. It is only that LAN 2 to my ethernet (desktop) that doesn't work Sir.

Or put the AX3 into AP mode and move the cable to LAN 1 from the ZTE
-- I am not that techy to do that so can you expand on it more please. The AX3 box does not include a user manual so I just check the net but I get confused always. Please bear with me (old fellow).

Thanks again!

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
No prob.... So, no WIFI clients wok with the AX3?

ZTE <> AX3 port 1 if in bridge / AP mode
ZTE bypass mode <> AX3 WAN port
ZTE <> AX3 WAN = double NAT -- not usually much of an issue for normal use

Not much documentation out there as you said. W/O having experience with Huawei gear though I'm a bit limited on what I can say about how to configure it or why it's not working. The link above though mentions managing it through a phone app. Seems to be a common thing these days with cheaper consumer gear. Even my FWA gateway has a web GUI but, the provider since forced the phone app to manage things.

Nevermind this is on the initial link - a little more detailed.

Another thing to consider on the provider device is did you reboot it before turning on the AX3? In the world of cable modems they need a reboot because they bind the IP to the MAC of whatever you connect to them.


Junior Member
May 12, 2023
Hi guys,

Thanks for your help. I tried connecting via AP mode but the primary router resets itself to the default..I think I need to ask the ISP why is it doing this. In the meantime I have set my old router (Tenda n301) as repeater and from there I have connected lan 2 to my Ethernet desktop.

I will get back when the techs from my ISP visits. Thanks for your assistance and help. The tips and links are great guys!