Connect HDMI PC to DVI Monitor


Senior member
Dec 22, 2004
I have researched this somewhat, found this link which I read, but I still don't have clarity--hence my post here.

I have a new PC with VGA and HDMI outputs, no DVI. I am awaiting a new 22" LCD monitor it has VGA and DVI connections. The PC is a Dell Zino, so I don't see where I have the option for a graphics card with a DVI-out port.

You probably have heard it before.

I am guessing that, due to the contect-protection algorithms which HDMI utilized (I just learned of them in my reading), I am thinking that I am SOL with connecting the monitor through the HDMI output even with some sort of adapter, at least if I play DVDs on the player there. It would appear I would either have to get a newer monitor with an HDMI connection or use the VGA with my current setup.

Am I right?

Also, while I realize my Dell Zino HD is as-is, do they sell quality graphics card with DVI-outs anymore to circumvent this?

No, I'm not into copying etc, just getting the low-down. Besides if copying were the thing, I don't see the point with such a setup, as you can copy DVDs all day long using software anyway.

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Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2007
If your monitor isn't HDCP Complient then you can run into a problem playing blueray movies on it. You can use a HDMI to DVI adapter on your monitor that will work fine but without it being HDCP it won't be able to display copy protected video. The Dell Zino HD is meant to be a media center PC that plug into your HD TV.

Yes most every video card now has DVI. Most come with 2 DVIs and no VGA. Many have HDMI as well at 2 DVIs. But i don't think you'll be able to drop another video card into that system.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2004
I am in luck, I received the monitor (Dell E228WFP) since that posting and the box mentioned that it was HDCP compliant, and the local computer store has a converter for $20, so I'm good-to-go. Meanwhile I got a $10 6ft VGA cable from Radio Shack, and fired it up. And boy is the screen on this thing gorgeous--wow. Bye bye to that old 19" CRT! Heck even the 19" LCD that I got for my wife (she was working off of 15" and 17" before) pails next to this thing. She actually said there was no need to upgrade her from the 15/17" ones, I think she'll change her tune when she gets a look at this thing (hee hee).


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
I'm curious. Please let me know if you can tell the difference (video-quality-wise) between VGA and DVI on that size monitor.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2007
You shouldn't see a difference. If you do it may be from the quality of anolog to digital converter thats built into the monitor. Thats where the quality difference comes from since the monitor has to take the anolog signal from VGA and convert it to digital so it can use it.