THANKS everybody !
I must admit I'm very proud of this milestone.

One more digit is more and more difficult to reach... and I think I'll never have another one more.

The turtle can now rest a little.
Now time for some french teaching : Welcome to the 10K club = Bienvenue au club des 10K. That's for OD mon ami.

Where is the library = Où est
la bibliothèque ? For Colinp. Cheers.

or perhaps some wine ? = Ou alors du vin, peut-être ? For my old race mate Assimilator1.

And you're right : I prefer good wine...
Big CONGRATS to IndyJaws for his 10,000 WUs. Your crunching power is awesome !
and now : Let's flow some virtual Champagne ! A votre santé ! Tchin tchin !