Confused on what Wireless PC Card Standard to use for SMC Wireless Router


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2000
I have a SMC Barricade Turbo 11/22Mbps Router Model SMC2404WBR.

I want to use the 22 Mbps for it. What type of Wireless card do I need to get it to be 22Mbps?

Sorry, I am pretty confused on how wireless standards work, any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
The standard is 802.11b. It is capable of 11Mb/sec.

Few manufactures use a ?Trick? to squeeze 22Mb/sec.

It is still compatible with the regular any 11Mb/sec.

If you buy a 22Mb/sec. capable Client card it will do both.

Be aware the theoretical 11Mb/sec. usually yield working 4-6Mb/sec.

The 22Mb/sec. card will add about 20-30% more.

A good 11Mb/sec. Wireless card might perform better than a so so 22Mb/sec. card.

General Info here: Wireless What Should I Get (Early April, 2003 Edition)?