Concerned about P4 Temp


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2000
At default Vcore, 133 FSB, and Retail cooling with AS3, I get a load of 52C/125F in ASUS Probe.

It also says my mobo temp is 31C, but it doesn't feel anywhere near that warm. I'm running BIOS 1011 on the P4533B-E.

Could PC Probe be reporting a higher temp then actual?

Also, my divider says CPU/Memory 4:3. Does this divider slow down the memory as clock goes up? I switched it to it, and only got slower memory. Is there jumper or anything that enables a 3:4 that I have been hearing about? I am just interested in higher mem speeds.



Senior member
Mar 26, 2001
Hi I have P4B533-E and a 2.53ghz at was also running at like 52/51C full load(retail HS/AS3). I ordered and installed an Alpha HS, but then power supply died(should get new one back from antec tommorow) I dont know how much change I will get yet.

As to your memory issue yes, 4:3 is slower than 1:1....Its not a matter of it being slower the higher you go really, its just not as fast.
It determines the ratio between FSB and memory speed...I forget exactly how it works, do a search.

133mhz and above, the options in bios are 1:1 and 4:3
If you turn on dip switch 6 on the MB (6th switch on the row a 6) then even though the same numbers appear in the bios, 1:1 is actually 3:4 and 4:3 is actually 1:1.
Know your ram, and research before you mess with those too much.