Computer issues...


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2002
My computer has for the last month developed a general flakiness.

Sometimes when just cruising the net or using IM, the comp will freeze for about 10 secs. Then my monitor blacks out for about 10, and everything re-appears working fine.

I had trouble running WoW for a little bit, but put in the omega drivers and it is working fine now.

I am running a 3000+ on an m7ncd. 1 gig ram. PNY 6800. 3 optical drivers and 1 ide HD.

Could it be anything besides the PS causing this ? It is a 330 watt Enermax. Computer just randomly freezes. It does not come out of standby and if I leave the screensaver on too long all I get is the black screen.

Thoughts ?


Senior member
Sep 24, 2004
easiest way to tell if its the power supply is to check the voltages on your rails, especially the 12v rail. You could do this with a proggie like MBM5 or best with a multimeter.

It is important to know the voltages before assuming anything. It sounds like it may just be windows and some driver/software problems. I say this cause usually with PSU problems, you get random reboots and BSD's and if things freeze, they don't come back in 10 secs.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2000
I'm not sure but it seems like the video card might be freezing and resetting itself. (If I understand correctly, newer video cards can be reset by the drivers if they stop responding without requiring a system restart. ATI, for example, calls it "VPU Recover." nVidia might have the same feature and call it something similar.)

Is anything overclocked or soft-modded, especially the video card?


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2002
Originally posted by: Thegonagle
I'm not sure but it seems like the video card might be freezing and resetting itself. (If I understand correctly, newer video cards can be reset by the drivers if they stop responding without requiring a system restart. ATI, for example, calls it "VPU Recover." nVidia might have the same feature and call it something similar.)

Is anything overclocked or soft-modded, especially the video card?

Nope nothing is soft modded or overclocked. And yes, the system does occasionally reset itself, though not nearly as often.