Lately my computer has just been crappy. I've been capturing videos and viewing them and it restarts half the time! Usually this one video I captured all of a sudden pretty much everytime I load it the computer restarts. And just now after I captured a video, looked it for a bit, then when I hit the X, computer restarts. And when I Full Screen a video I just captured, it changes to 76hz (from my standard 85hz desktop) and is kinda weird because I can't right click anymore to stop the Full Screen or select other options, and I need to alt-tab out to get back to everything because I'm basically stuck when I full screen it. It's only doing it to the videos I just captured, and not the mpg captures I did, nor any divx movies and I had, and the exact same divx captures I did before never did that... And finally, I load up IE, chilling, and a black screen just kinda comes up all of a sudden. It was almost like one of those cheesy transitions, where the black went from top to bottom and covered the screen very quickly and after that I couldn't do anything. No ctrl-alt-del or any response, yet my mouse cursor was still there. And finally, my monitor sometimes doesn't come out of standby and I need to restart for it to.
WTF is up???
WTF is up???