Comp won't boot up correctly


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2003
Just bought a new motherboard/case but now my comp won't boot up. The new motherboard is a SY-KT400 Soyo Dragon Ultra Black Edition. I was reading over the manual, and it says it supports PC2100 ram thru 3500. I went to put in my ram (2700 256 mb ddr stick of Mushkin), but the comp wouldn't boot up, no video, no nothing. I checked their site for ram compatibilities and didn't find my ram on the list. So, I decided to buy a 512 mb stick of Corsair matching the one on their list of compatible ram. Will this most likely solve the problem?


Diamond Member
May 21, 2001
Usually not booting with no beeps or anything is caused by:

Case shorting out the motherboard somewhere - take motherboard out of case and try powering it up with it sitting on some foam or other nonconductive surface.

Memory, CPU, or PCI/AGP cards not seating properly - reseat them, check CPU to make sure none of the pins got bent.

Powersupply underpowered - usually only happens on AMD systems which require a good bit of juice on the 3.3V and 5V lines which many supplies rated at 300-watts and under can't provide. (many name brand 300-watters do, most cheaper supplies don't)

CMOS in a goofy state - clear your CMOS settings using the procedure described in your manual.

PCI card not playing well with others - try booting up the system with only the CPU, memory and video card installed.



Golden Member
May 2, 2003
will it not turn on period or does it turn on for a couple seconds, beep a few times, then shut back off? The latter happened to me when i built a system using that same board for my friend. Turned out it was expecting a fan with rpm monitering plugged into the cpu1 fan header on the motherboard. If you are using a fan on your cpu that uses a four pin connector or does not support rpm monitoring, find an extra fan that does and plug it into the cpu1 header. As soon as you can, get into the bios and disable the stupid function function (sorry, can't remember it's name). It was a real pain in the rear for me because i though i had a dead vid card or ram. However, if you don't get a few beeps followed by shutdown opon powerup your problem lies elsewhere.


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2003
Alright, whenever I start my comp, all the fans turn on, the comp stays on, but I get no video, and continuous beeps followed by maybe a 2 second pause. The manual says it could be the ram, but like I said, I decided to buy a 512 MB DDR corsair stick from the XMS series so that it would be compatible as their site says. Is there any potential problems that can be causing this? Right now I have no other backup ddr ram sticks to test it out, so I'm not too sure what else I can do besides wait for the ram to get here.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2003
I think you have to go into the bios and set the ram to the right timings first. I have OC systems 512mb 200ddr ram and it had to be set specifically for it to work. The mother board didn't automatically set it right.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Try holding down the Insert key on the keyboard before and during power-up. If your Soyo is freaking out because it doesn't see an RPM reading on the CPUFAN header, this overrides it. If that works, go into the BIOS and disable Fan-Off Control ("F.O.C.") or else put an RPM-signalling fan on the CPUFAN header.


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2003
I'll try holding down the Insert key before/after I power my computer up, but I'm not getting still getting no video at all, my monitor is completely blank. My video card isn't bad, because I've tested it in another system and it works fine.