Colorado Legislator on guns: "Feel like you're going to be raped ... you may not be


Oct 9, 1999

And you Rightists wonder why your Party is going down the shitter...LMAO ;)


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
The Media’s On-and-Off Corruption/Stupidity Narratives
The media’s disinterest in Colorado State Rep. Joe Salazar, the latest politician to opine about rape and the proper options for women in response to the threat, illustrates a great deal about the recurring narratives in our political media, such as a “culture of corruption” or a “war on women.”

On Saturday, the Washington Post had separate page A1 stories about the scandals engulfing former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois and Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey.

Throw in the accusations against Rep. John Tierney of Massachusetts, the U.S. House Committee on Ethics’ investigation of a Taiwan trip by Rep. Bill Owens of New York, the committee investigation and fees paid for the Scotland trip of Rep. Rob Andrews of New Jersey, and the dispute as to whether Rep. Ed Markey of Massachusetts really lives in the district he represents...

..and you can see that if the Post or any other mainstream media institution could easily write up a story or a series of stories about the Democratic Party’s sudden ethical morass and the “culture of corruption.”

But the scandals of Jackson Jr. & Menendez – and the scandal of other Democrats – are rarely if ever deemed “symbolic” of any problems for the party as a whole. They’re just some stuff that happened.

But when Republicans are caught in scandals, coverage often suggests a “broader meaning” or “deeper context” or “powerful symbolism.”

An accurate portrayal.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
The Media’s On-and-Off Corruption/Stupidity Narratives
The media’s disinterest in Colorado State Rep. Joe Salazar, the latest politician to opine about rape and the proper options for women in response to the threat, illustrates a great deal about the recurring narratives in our political media, such as a “culture of corruption” or a “war on women.”

On Saturday, the Washington Post had separate page A1 stories about the scandals engulfing former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois and Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey.

Throw in the accusations against Rep. John Tierney of Massachusetts, the U.S. House Committee on Ethics’ investigation of a Taiwan trip by Rep. Bill Owens of New York, the committee investigation and fees paid for the Scotland trip of Rep. Rob Andrews of New Jersey, and the dispute as to whether Rep. Ed Markey of Massachusetts really lives in the district he represents...

..and you can see that if the Post or any other mainstream media institution could easily write up a story or a series of stories about the Democratic Party’s sudden ethical morass and the “culture of corruption.”

But the scandals of Jackson Jr. & Menendez – and the scandal of other Democrats – are rarely if ever deemed “symbolic” of any problems for the party as a whole. They’re just some stuff that happened.

But when Republicans are caught in scandals, coverage often suggests a “broader meaning” or “deeper context” or “powerful symbolism.”

An accurate portrayal.

I have been saying that for the last 2 years. the main channels on media (except fox) seem to downplay Dems doing shit like this. BUT when its gop they go hog shit insane.

Though Fox is the is the same for the GOP. they downplay them yet go ape shit over dems.

I think that's why other online news is getting more popular.


Oct 17, 2002

And you Rightists wonder why your Party is going down the shitter...LMAO ;)

I'm on the fence between republican and libertarian, and I by no means agree with this image. I highly doubt even 5% of repubs agree with it.


Oct 9, 1999
I'm on the fence between republican and libertarian, and I by no means agree with this image. I highly doubt even 5% of repubs agree with it.

It doesn't matter when their Elected Officials go on record spouting stupid ass shit like this. ;)


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
I'm on the fence between republican and libertarian, and I by no means agree with this image. I highly doubt even 5% of repubs agree with it.

Regardless the damage has been done by these people.

Richard Luger a republican who has defeated democratic opponents time and again by comfortable margins (in some cases over 30 point margins) for election to the Senate was primaried by a tea partier who then proceeded to give that Senate seat to a democrat.

A couple of people like Richard Mourdock who did to Sen. Luger what no democratic candidate could do helped the democratic party keep (and even gain a couple of seats) in the Senate when they were projected to lose seats and maybe even the Senate early this election cycle.

I suppose you can say that one reason that view is rare in the republican party is that people who hold them lost their elections... and rightly so.


Apr 8, 2002
Is this the same idiot that said one can use pens to defend themselves against a madman with a gun?


Jun 30, 2003
I thought he was trying to say that you wouldn't want to accidentally shoot someone. The clip I saw did not give his whole speech unfortunately. But yes he sounded like an idiot, did not communicate well whatever his point was going to be, and made it sound like women only needed whistles and callboxes in order to protect themselves