COD4 - what is "running and gunning"?

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Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: chizow
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
As I already said, the definition is that of the server. Think of it as a game type. If you don't like their rules then get off their server. Why does it even bother you?
Funny, I've yet to see any "rules" stated or listed in CoD4 servers. If anything I've seen servers run messages in other games that frown upon camping/squatting. Its obviously not bothering me, as I don't complain, I adapt. And in this case, its the squatters/campers complaining that people aren't playing by their rules or expectations and people are *gasp* moving around!

And you are also making the mistake of assuming that there are only two categories:
1) Run & Gun
2) Campers/Squatters
Nope, I didn't set any limitations or definitions, but you did. I'm well aware that there's no point in setting such limitations or code of conduct expectations as tactics can and will change dynamically based on the situation. Its why I prefer game types that encourage both, like HQ in CoD4.

This is incorrect. There is a big difference between someone tagged as r&g/nade spammer/etc. and someone who rushes an objective strategically.
Really? Based on what? Whatever you or the server's mood is? Or whether or not you just got owned? :D

Actually, I never set any limitations. I went back to your first post in this thread where you assumed that someone calling out a person for being r&g must be a camper. To me a run and gun is someone who just blindly rushes around without a feel for the rest of their team, firing from the hip, tossing grenades around madly, etc. I couldn't care less if they had 0 kills and 30 deaths or the opposite. I didn't want them on our server.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
I just started playing COD4 multiplayer today, and running and gunning works pretty good for me. In the end of the game, I usually have maybe 5-10 more deaths than most, but I have double the kills.

edit: now that I think about it, I suppose it's not exactly running and gunning. I just don't camp, and I like to keep moving.


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2005
i destroy people who run and gun on my 360 (i didn't bother getting cod4 for pc)
it's such a joke seeing them do it since all you hafta do is crouch + zoom + shoot = headshot


Feb 22, 2007
Run & gun to me is any game that is not tactical.
Games where anyone can score without practice or really thinking much, just move and shoot without planning.

Games I don't consider run & gun is games like Rainbow six vegas.
Since in that game if you just run around, your going to die.



Nov 27, 2001
"Run & Gun" is frowned upon in certain games because it tends to get you killed quicker. Imagine trying to play the original Rainbow Six using the run and gun "philosophy." You'd probably die quickly. Hell... in games like Unreal Tournament, stopping usually means you'll die.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Running n gunning is awesome, but some games promote camping & being ghay, which isn't awesome.

Stay away from those games that promote camping & play real games like UT3 & Q4 & Painkiller, etc. ;)


Senior member
Jul 12, 2004
How dare games emphasize movement as a skill. That's the one thing I miss about games nowadays and why I avoid 'realistic' shooters in general.


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2005
Running and Gunning, in terms of CoD4 at least, is not equivalent to the way it's used to describe games ala UT. Running and Gunning implies constantly staying on the move and never stopping, even for a moment, to so much as lean around a corner or to take aim.

It's frowned upon because A: It's difficult to play effectively as a team with someone who's so hyperactive he can't stop, B: It's extraordinarily difficult to tell a good run and gunner from a cheater, as both play identically, one just has cyborg reflexes, C: The game has significant elements to drain the effectiveness out of camping (shoot though cover alone is enough to make camping an extremely ineffective tactic) but the only anti-run and gun elements are the reduced aiming, and especially on SMGs, it's not much of a deterrent. As a result, it's an effective way to play for a single person, but works against teamwork and tactics, which are two things the game tries to emphasize.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
The big "unspoken rule" by the shitty players I love to break is the hate on Martyrdom. I keep it on all of my profiles only because people bitch about it constantly (I also have sonic boom going and 3x frag). Maybe if they did not suck so much then they would avoid getting killed by my martyrdom?


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2000
Originally posted by: evident
everytime i play cod4 online 50% of my deaths come in the first 5 seconds due to nade spam or spawning where theres a ton of enemies.... i never understood this part

I've never seen such chaos in a FPS MP game ever. No talent required; no time for strategy- absolutely the most chaotic mp game I've ever played. You have to try it to believe it.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: cheapherk
Originally posted by: evident
everytime i play cod4 online 50% of my deaths come in the first 5 seconds due to nade spam or spawning where theres a ton of enemies.... i never understood this part

I've never seen such chaos in a FPS MP game ever. No talent required; no time for strategy- absolutely the most chaotic mp game I've ever played. You have to try it to believe it.

What really making run&gun in cod4 hard, is that your character is a fvcking moron who takes 2 minutes to stop running and pull a trigger.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2006
In counter Strike its Also Known As "Spray and Pray" meaning you just spray bullets all over the place and pray that you hit something :p


Senior member
Oct 26, 2007
COD4 is total "run and gun". Liked the singleplayer, but the multiplayer got old.....quickly. I leveled up extrememly quick, mastering weapons and getting upgrades and skins. If you complain about run and gun then don't buy COD4 because my biggest, number 1 gripe about the game is that the multi maps are soooo small. Get an smg and sprint around or grab an HMG or a rifle with grenade launcher and lurk in the corners. At no point can you really sit still because you take all the time to sneak into one of many known sniper positions only to take a grenade from the other side of the map or the spawn points change and suddenly enemies are spawning behind you. I'm not saying I don't enjoy getting online and running around with a Barret.50 as primary and an M60 as a secondary and waiting to call in airstrikes on opponents' spawns isn't's just not fun for very long. For those who want a multiplayer game with a more "tactical" feel shop elsewhere. But for those who love bedlam with a modern day twist where wrist flick headshot skills are required.....look no further. Also, probably 50% of my kills are from that skill.

Anyways back to OP. Run and gun a bad thing? I say no because the only people who complain about it are people who are mad because you can't buy skill on eBay and yell things like "Oh that is such bullsh!t!!!!! In real life you'd be dead!!!!!!" in the middle of a multiplayer deathmatch. Real life? Rofl. Noobs.....God bless them.....every last one of them. Want "realism"? Then create your own little server with strict little rules and vicious admins who kick anyone who dares achieve higher than a 1.25 k/d ratio and then you can touch yourself because since you've mad it "real" that means you'd be able to hack it in the RL millitary too........ I'll stick with my m60 "secondary" tyvm. Lolumad?


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
Originally posted by: videogames101
Anyways, people who run and gun and get kills without dieing are basically those ppl with insane reflexes and a knack for getting headshots, although it may seem like noob players do it, it takes more skill then any other tactic.

quoted for truth


Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: chizow
Uh...complaining about running and gunning as opposed to what? Camping and squatting? Lmao. If you're running and gunning and they're getting the drop on you in their little camp grounds of death and still crying, that means you're killing them and they suck, so its not worth paying any attention to them anyways.

This man speaks the truth.



Jul 19, 2004
The point of the game is to win. If "running and gunning" does that, then you succeed and everyone else fails.

Military strategy doesn't exactly dictate that people should strap bombs to themselves and run into a crowd, but it's a strategy that has been employed many times. It may not be conventional strategy, but damn if it doesn't have the element of surprised worked out.


Jan 23, 2001
I wish people would stop confusing "spray and pray" and "run and gun" the 2 are very different, although not exclusive from each other.

If it's simpler to understand:
run and gun means the player is running all over the place
spray and pray means the player is firing all over the place

The player does not have to be moving to "spray and pray", it's also a valid camping tactic. Likewise, the run and gunner does not have to be spraying all over the place and could possibly be extremely accurate which probably annoys players 10x more than the spray and prayer.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: evident
Originally posted by: manowar821
The best example of a through and through "running-and-gunning" game is Quake 3 arena or Unreal Tournament. There is little or no tactical layer to it, it's all running around and using reflexes. Newer shooters are more refined, so they make this type of blazing guns attitude somewhat less effective, because there are now more options than simply running around and shooting at anything that moves. Not to say that it doesn't have it's place, I just get sick of hearing people bitch and moan about "campers" or whatever. All these types of game-play have their place in certain situations, they all work for different environments and/or opponents.

Some things that have made running-and-gunning (spray and pray) less effective are: Movement affecting accuracy. The addition of tactical devices such as grenades or flash-bangs, mines or sniper rifles, artillery strikes and vehicles. The allowance for HUGE maps, because running around like a madman is exponentially less effective in an open area where you can just get picked off from a distance. The ability to voice chat with people, it adds an effective layer of tactics to game-play, letting you actually PLAN out routes and plans of attack. Squad based play, and objectives, they add the same thing that voice chat does, multiple layers of objectives and/or tactics.

I don't think that running-and-gunning is useless, sometimes it's necessary. I think that the added complexity only proves to enrich our gaming experience, and it provides more challenge than just running and shooting at everything, while jumping and dodging.

Besides, you camper haters have it good, too. Just toss in a grenade or two. :p Quit being a baby about it.

everytime i play cod4 online 50% of my deaths come in the first 5 seconds due to nade spam or spawning where theres a ton of enemies.... i never understood this part

The nade spam in this game is annoying. But why fight them when you can join? on the ship map I run in with an MP5 and 3x frag nades. Usually nets me enough kills to get an airstrike which is deadly on that map. Then a heli-copter. Then I get killed by a nade.

Then the spawn is silly. Not sure how many times Ill spawn in the middle of 4 guys. Or ill be running along and an enemy spawns right in front of me.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: Pale Rider
Originally posted by: chizow
Uh...complaining about running and gunning as opposed to what? Camping and squatting? Lmao. If you're running and gunning and they're getting the drop on you in their little camp grounds of death and still crying, that means you're killing them and they suck, so its not worth paying any attention to them anyways.

Yup. It sounds silly to me too. Just another "unspoken" rule developed by people who suck and are tired of getting owned.

NO. Let me repeat, NO.

COD was a WW2 game. Considered by most hardcore "realism" fans to be the best of the bunch. Most of the hardcore community wanted people to act as a real soldier would act, death is bad and strategically engaging the enemy is good. Running straight down the street shooting from your hip with a machine gun is not very realistic.

It has nothing to do with 'getting owned'. It is a statement that the user base on that server wants realism. It is no different than moving to a different server because you don't like the game type or the map currently being played.

And let me guess, all of those people who want video game players to act like "real" soldiers have been in the army and in combat right?

I am willing to bet the majority of these video soldiers closest thing to combat in WWII is Saving Private Ryan.

If these clowns want realism, then I'd expect a lot of camping and maps that last 8 hours to clear out a small village. Oh and above all uneven odds. That will probably make those realism fruitcups quit the game when they see a batallion of grenadiers decend on their position when they have a platoon.


Senior member
May 18, 2000
COD4 is a run and gun game by default

There is a reason you have quick respawns.. If they want realism, play the game types with no or reduced respawns.

Rainbox six , Rogue spear(my all time fav), and GRAW are more in line with the realism type tactical gameplay.

Camp me once? you?re a free kill next time?


Golden Member
Sep 24, 2006
You know that the gaming industry has gone downhill when people argue about what is fun over what is realistic.
Games aren't for realism, they are to have fun.
Games. Fun.
Quit whining about run and gun/camping and just play the game and have fun/enjoy the story/enjoy the atmosphere/etc.

Mr. Lennon

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Don't think I have seen this complaint before. I usually play on Hardcore HQ servers.

Kinda of an off topic question, but does anyone know of a mod that enables more gore? I like a good amount of realistic blood in my FPS's.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
Games aren't for realism, they are to have fun.
Games. Fun.


Realism is only good when it contributes to the fun factor, which is often not the case.


May 18, 2001
I Run and Gun, Spray and Pray, Camp, nade spam and martyr.

If you see me running at you with a nade in my hand, run away. The fuse is already ticking.