Closest thing to the elixir of life is...WALKING?

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Jul 27, 2020
Make sure to breathe through the nose as much as possible. Breathing through the mouth does not make the body create the necessary nitric oxide to improve blood flow.


Jan 12, 2005
There's a hell of a lot of "So please be clear – this article does not claim that nasal breathing, humming or breath holding are a cure or prevention for Coronavirus." in that article!

I'm going to stick with.
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Jun 30, 2004
I don't notice any problem of "blood-flow", and I will do what seems comfortable to me. The problem with using the O2 concentrator is its built-in feature of detecting when the user is inhaling, or otherwise it starts beeping with a warning. What the concentrator needs is a mask like Dennis Hopper as "Frank Booth" used in "Blue Velvet". It needs to work like a 3M paint-respirator, allowing breath to be inhaled from the concentrator by either mouth or nose, but expelled through a different opening such that the concentrator still detects when air is being drawn from it.

When I walk, as was the case when I was once capable of jogging, I'll breath through either my mouth or my nose as I please.

Yesterday's walking experience tells me that there is no problem -- likely no "risk" -- for not using the Inogen. And my experience thus far only increases my suspicion that the Cordyceps-M is actually working. I've never felt better. I'm no longer trying to catch my breath after hauling groceries from the car to the kitchen. Something good is happening to me. I've also had the odd experience that I would seem out of breath after walking up the staircase in my house, but yesterday -- no such sense of it.

Also, during yesterday's stroll and wearing my Timberland walking shoes, I experimented with a jogging gait for stretches of 50 to 100 feet. It's not so bad. Maybe by next year, I can jog rather than walk. I've started doing push-ups, and there's not much in the way of muscle soreness around my shoulders.

Once again, I will share my severe regret that I ever lifted a single Benson-and-Hedges filter-tip to my lips when I was 17 or 18. But maybe I can actually rejuvenate myself at the age between 77 and 78. Maybe I can become a "Super-Ager" through sheer will, determination and effort. The only thing that could stop me is an early diagnosis of cancer, or worse -- suddenly finding that I'm at "stage 4". But now -- no blood, and the white sputum expectorations are getting smaller and less frequent.

My CT scan in December showed no change, no change to the calcified nodules that have been there for decades. My pulmonologist's guess of a short longevity ("perhaps five years") may arise from statistics about ex-smokers after 50-pack-years, but statistics have outliers -- they have a range and variation or standard deviation. Studies of Ukrainian male smokers suggest lifespans exceeding 90 or 95. And those Russian cigarettes exceed Camels for both their excellent flavor and their carcinogenic risk.
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May 19, 2011
I walk one mile twice daily, takes 18 minutes each time . Only one mile since knee surgery, and I skip some days.
That article states just over 2.5 hours a day? That's at least 8.5 miles a day. Even if I could make the time, that ain't happening.

Don't forget to keep up your egg and 5-a-day consumption while doing all that walking!


Jan 12, 2005


May 19, 2011
No idea what you are talking about.
:) I didn't mean to quote you as if the comment was aimed at you in particular, just at the notion of what some believe to be super solutions for healthy living combined with common medical advice, would have people literally doing stuff all day solely in the pursuit of lengthening their lifespan! An example of quantity versus quality.
Jul 27, 2020
people literally doing stuff all day solely in the pursuit of lengthening their lifespan! An example of quantity versus quality.
There really isn't a need to do that if you follow simple advice based on my research on longevity (which I define as good quality long life rather than immortality):

Do not overconsume protein. It interferes with the body's repair mechanism.

Have lots of dark chocolate or coffee or tea BUT counter that with moderate wine consumption or the next best non-toxic thing, vinegar.

Need to keep a balance between the above two food types because products containing caffeine reduce telomere length while wine/vinegar increases telomere length. An imbalance would either cause cells to start dying too soon and shortening lifespan or cells living too long and leading to cancer.


Jun 30, 2004
I could post a new thread, but my thoughts at the moment slip right into this one.

WHAT'S NEW? I continue my walking regimen -- daily as much as possible. I started taking Cordyceps-M, a supplement recommended by -- was it Igor? I've physically noticed a greater ease in completing the morning mile.

I check my blood-oxygen -- mostly now only when I'm home. It used to peg at 95. After modest activity, it would start at 93 or 94 -- then climb to 95 over some few minutes. Other times, I'd notice that I had to breath deeply to get a stable reading at 95.

This morning, It jumped up right away to 96, then adjusted to a stable 97.

I KNOW PEOPLE WHO AREN'T AFFLICED BY COPD, but some of them show blood oxygen at 95. I know these oximeters have limited accuracy, but this seems to be an improvement. I suspect it derives from the walking exercise, but I'm hopeful that the Cordyceps has something to do with it. Otherwise, I await the results of my metabolic panel after drawing my blood before the next visit to the Primary doctor.
Jul 27, 2020
I started taking Cordyceps-M, a supplement recommended by -- was it Igor?
Nah. I recommended Now Cordyceps but you did your own research and possibly found a better brand :)

Also, the Universe made me go through diabetes which led me to research it more, made me realize that diabetes mainly kills by affecting blood circulation, causing me to look for ways to increase my blood flow and hence I found out about Cordyceps.

The Universe made me suffer for you. You must be important :)
Jul 27, 2020
I know these oximeters have limited accuracy, but this seems to be an improvement.
When I literally starved myself with the Rice Diet to contain my diabetes and burn off the fat around my vital organs, I also lost a lot of muscle and my diastolic blood pressure was going as low as 60 which meant the heart had sustained muscle loss too. I noticed that I couldn't take deep breaths anymore. I went to see a pulmonologist to get my lungs examined and the oximeter reading showed 94 or something. The nurse wasn't too concerned but I was. I talked about this to the doc and he was skeptical that I would develop breathing issues before age 40. But he suggested I eat eggs and things should improve. He also asked me to come a week later to get my lungs examined if I wished but his disinterest in doing so made me give up that idea. Why bother when the doc isn't worried? So I just ate two eggs daily for ten days or so. That fixed my diastolic blood pressure and next time the oximeter showed 99.


Jun 30, 2004
When I literally starved myself with the Rice Diet to contain my diabetes and burn off the fat around my vital organs, I also lost a lot of muscle and my diastolic blood pressure was going as low as 60 which meant the heart had sustained muscle loss too. I noticed that I couldn't take deep breaths anymore. I went to see a pulmonologist to get my lungs examined and the oximeter reading showed 94 or something. The nurse wasn't too concerned but I was. I talked about this to the doc and he was skeptical that I would develop breathing issues before age 40. But he suggested I eat eggs and things should improve. He also asked me to come a week later to get my lungs examined if I wished but his disinterest in doing so made me give up that idea. Why bother when the doc isn't worried? So I just ate two eggs daily for ten days or so. That fixed my diastolic blood pressure and next time the oximeter showed 99.
I hadn't been aware of these other matters in relation to blood oxygen. The only cause I know of that significantly affects my BO is my COPD and lung function. I'm seeing my pulmonologist at the end of March. That's all I can say. But I had never seen the oximeter settle on a stable 97 reading before.

Do you do much exercise that stress your lung function -- so that you have to breath deep?

Gonna go walk now. Only thing left to do today, if I don't want to sit around vexed and anxious over the State of the Union . . . After that, take a shower and get zonked. And sometimes getting zonked doesn't help, either.


Jun 30, 2004
Nah. I recommended Now Cordyceps but you did your own research and possibly found a better brand :)

Also, the Universe made me go through diabetes which led me to research it more, made me realize that diabetes mainly kills by affecting blood circulation, causing me to look for ways to increase my blood flow and hence I found out about Cordyceps.

The Universe made me suffer for you. You must be important :)
I just wish I could PROVE the Cordyceps helps, but I can only say I've noticed health improvements, even as I can't easily measure them or their possible link to the supplement. Walking the mile is easier. Now -- blood-oxygen seems better.

COPD is the pre-existing condition that constrains me most, over and above blood-pressure and diabetes-2. Less COPD disability means more exercise, more activity, better health. And if Cordyceps improves blood-sugar, that's another thing. So I'm still eager to have my blood drawn before last week of March. I should actually get it done next week, so the results will be available before my Primary doctor visit around April 2.
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Jul 27, 2020
Do you do much exercise that stress your lung function -- so that you have to breath deep?
No but deep breaths help to relax me so I do them sometimes. After the Rice Diet, it was a weird feeling when I tried to breathe deeply. My chest would go all the way in but I would not feel any tension in my chest like the diaphragm had flexed to its max ability. It was a pretty hollow feeling. You never really know what's normal until you lose the normal function and then your brain goes, wait. What is happening???


Jun 30, 2004
No but deep breaths help to relax me so I do them sometimes. After the Rice Diet, it was a weird feeling when I tried to breathe deeply. My chest would go all the way in but I would not feel any tension in my chest like the diaphragm had flexed to its max ability. It was a pretty hollow feeling. You never really know what's normal until you lose the normal function and then your brain goes, wait. What is happening???
I think I can relate to that. Today, I only walked 0.7 miles in 23 minutes. It was cold, and I took fewer rest stops -- but enough to extend the time just a bit. Frankly, >= 20 minutes for 0.7 is normal for me, or about what happens. A full mile takes about 35 minutes.

There is always some point after starting the walk that I sense a need to expectorate a little wad of sputum, and after that, everything is easier.
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Jun 30, 2004

Today I was scheduled to have my blood drawn. Well -- ya see -- last night I had this porterhouse steak, and took the last bite at 1 AM. So I waited until noon before going to the clinic. Just on whim, I took two Cordyceps-M capsules this morning instead of one. I may have only slightly -- mildly -- experienced some hypoglycemic symptoms, but really -- nothing.

Then I went for my walk, and no problem with that, either. I can't wait to see my metabolic panel results! I will report when they come in.

Popped open a bottle of 2013 Estancia Paso Robles Cab Sauvignon. This had been a $10 bottle. Wasn't nearly as good as the 2013 Charles Shaw cab!! Stock market in the toilet; prices at the market are high -- we're all gonna die. I just thank god for Cordyceps and my wine chiller in the garage.
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