Chuck Norris

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Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008

Since you're such a whiny little bed wetter of lefty and don't have the fucking balls to post what he or his wife said or make a comment about it, i'll do it for you.

Next time you post a topic try to grow a pair.


Chuck Norris Fact No. 39: "Chuck Norris stared evil in the eye and it went into hiding."

America's favorite action star is doing just that this election -- calling on evangelical Christians across the nation to join him in crushing the creep of socialism under President Obama.

Norris and his wife, Gena, have filmed a public service announcement, unveiled exclusively at WND, wherein the two urge Christians to help save the country in November.

"We are here to talk about a growing concern we all share," Chuck Norris explains. "If we look to history, our great country and freedom are under attack. We're at a tipping point and, quite possibly, our country as we know it may be lost forever if we don't change the course in which our country is headed."

Gena warns that voter apathy among evangelicals in 2008 may have contributed to Obama's election in the first place.

"With our country at a crossroads, Chuck and I have asked ourselves what we can be doing to help support this great country we're blessed to live in and how we can encourage our like-minded American brothers and sisters to unite and let their voices be heard," she said. "It is estimated that in the 2008 election, 30 million evangelical Christians stayed home on voting day and Obama won the election by 10 million votes."

Chuck cautions Christians about the cost of doing nothing while the nation spirals into a state of socialism from which there will be no return.

"We know you love your family and your freedom as much as Gena and I do," he says in his appeal to Americans. "And it is because of that we can no longer sit quietly or stand on the sidelines and watch our country go the way of socialism or something much worse."
Gena urged Christians to register and cast their votes on Election Day to ensure "our voices will be heard."

Chuck recalled the cautionary words of great patriots on the subject of preserving liberty:

"As Edmund Burke said, 'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing.'

"Our great president, Ronald Reagan said, 'Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same.'"

Likewise, Gena noted, "President Reagan went on to say that 'You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.'"

Chuck Norris concludes the announcement by encouraging Americans to close ranks and defend their great nation "for God and country."

"Please stand with us," he urges. "Let's unite for God and country. And may God continue to bless the United States of America. See you at the polls."

It's a political ad by Chuck Norris and his wife urging Christians to vote. It' gets attacked by religious bigots who hate anything or anyone that is connected to religion.


Oct 18, 1999
Since you're such a whiny little bed wetter of lefty and don't have the fucking balls to post what he or his wife said or make a comment about it, i'll do it for you.

Next time you post a topic try to grow a pair.

It's a political ad by Chuck Norris and his wife urging Christians to vote. It' gets attacked by religious bigots who hate anything or anyone that is connected to religion.
Because religion is not a fucking reality. He should be urging all people to vote not just christians. Hes is a fucking moron as is anyone who believes his bullshit.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Because religion is not a fucking reality. He should be urging all people to vote not just christians. Hes is a fucking moron as is anyone who believes his bullshit.

Thanks for proving the point in my post.


Mar 19, 2007
Ugg, my pet peve is someone putting "Discuss" in a post in a DISCUSSION forum. It's what we do here. You don't have to put it in your post.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
Can someone please explain with real facts why the the extreme 'right' is obsessed with:

"watch our country go the way of socialism or something much worse."

or "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."

seems to be common them among the likes of Rush or Mark Levine...


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Since you're such a whiny little bed wetter of lefty and don't have the fucking balls to post what he or his wife said or make a comment about it, i'll do it for you.

Next time you post a topic try to grow a pair.

It's a political ad by Chuck Norris and his wife urging Christians to vote. It' gets attacked by religious bigots who hate anything or anyone that is connected to religion.

I love how you just attacked me for no reason other than making an OP and not saying how I felt about the video immediately.

This isnt about politics or religion, I just thought the video was interesting.

How dare you call me a bigot? Are you having a bad day?

Also, go hug a powerline.


Oct 11, 2005
I love how you just attacked me for no reason other than making an OP and not saying how I felt about the video immediately.

This isnt about politics or religion, I just thought the video was interesting.

How dare you call me a bigot? Are you having a bad day?

Also, go hug a powerline.

Actually, he needs to hug 2 powerlines.


May 19, 2011
Ugg, my pet peve is someone putting "Discuss" in a post in a DISCUSSION forum. It's what we do here. You don't have to put it in your post.

Is it really? Let's check this thread:

2: Opinion presented, nothing really to discuss
3: Someone agrees with Chuck Norris, nothing of value added to discussion
4: Same as 2
5: Should put down the bottle and sober up. Second comment stating obvious then implying that who doesn't like CN's opinion is a bigot.
6: Anti-religion
7: Saying 6 is anti-religion
8: Agreeing with 7
9: Stating that this is a discussion, implication being a reasoned debate.
10: Saying that Chuck Norris is a radical extremist, nothing of value added to discussion
11: This guy may actually be inciting a discussion!
12: Attacking 5
13: Sarcastic comments re: 9

I'm not seeing much discussion here.

Personally I don't see anything from the video that's worthy of discussion. He may as well have said "Obama is evil, don't vote Obama". I also find it a bit weird that he is specifically trying to encourage Christians to vote; some may draw their own conclusions as to why. In a reasoned debate, people would either be trying to coax a point out of him that's worthy of debate or raising their eyebrows, saying "Riiigh-t... moving on!".
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Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Maybe someone else thinks Chuck Norris's personal opinion matters or is worth following.

As for me, I don't dislike or like Chuck Norris, but Chuck's personal opinions carry very little weight with me.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Chuck Norris would have America become a Christian only country where our leaders are directly linked to the church, the Bible and creation are taught in schools, and only those who agree with these principles are free to enjoy what America has to offer.

Isn't that the whole reason America was formed in the first place?
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