Originally posted by: Aieget
I for one am a Young Earth Creationist, for the simple fact that for me it takes a far smaller leap of imagination to propose that a God created everything as it says in the Bible than it does for me to fill the gaping holes in Evolutionary theory. If you have heard of the idea of irreducible complexity then you would realize that it would take a mind boggling array of mutations occuring in more than one animal in a single generation to create such a complex structure as an eye, otherwise natural selection would surely have long ago dictated that this extra growth was of no use and discarded it, and we know now that it would not have been of any use until the last precise piece was in place. This is but one of the problems of Evolution.
So it's easier for you to believe the stories written thousands of years ago than to think that science has yet to find the answers, but they're out there somewhere? 'Gaping' holes in evolutionary theory only prove that we still only have a primitive understanding of it, not that it's wrong.
As far as the evolution of the eye, you're taking a very simplistic view of how evolution works and distorting it. Living things didn't go from "no eyes" to "full on, working eyes".
Yes, I posted a talkorigins article. Sue me.
It's interesting that every person I've ever seen discount evolution as false has done so based on a lack of understanding of how evolution works. Yes, no one knows the finer points of evolution yet, but (and I've said this a few times now), every argument I've heard from a lay person against evolution has gone something like:
"Well look at this. How could this have come about due to evolution? It's complex, so it couldn't have happened. Creation is right"
If you had done the homework, read some papers, and then come to the conclusion that evolution cannot possibly account for something, then your argument would hold some water.
If you believe in a young earth creation scenario, that's fine. But there's a lot of science that goes against that view. You ask how you can be a Christian w/o believing in a literal translation of Genesis. The bible also clearly states the earth is flat. But you don't believe that, I'm sure.
Why is it Creation cannot be an allegory, where each of the seven days represents millions or billions of years of Earth's life cycle. Why couldn't God have created earth and its life forms over a longer time span. Surely, such a view would meld much better with what is known about Earth's history. And you don't even have to get into evolution for this. I'm talking about geology and dating the Earth.