Chicago Passes Sex-Ed for Kindergartners


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999

Chicago Passes Sex-Ed for Kindergartners

While most U.S. public schools start sex education in the fifth grade, sex education will be coming to Chicago kindergartners within two years as part of an overhaul of the Chicago public schools sexual health program.

“It is important that we provide students of all ages with accurate and appropriate information so they can make healthy choices in regards to their social interactions, behaviors and relationships,” Barbara Byrd-Bennett, the CEO of the Chicago Public School System, said in a statement. “By implementing a new sexual health education policy, we will be helping them to build a foundation of knowledge that can guide them not just in the preadolescent and adolescent years, but throughout their lives.”

For the first time in Chicago, sex-ed instruction will cover sexual orientation and gender identity. Students will be introduced to terms and definitions associated with sexual identity, including those related to heterosexual and LGBT populations, in an effort to bring awareness, promote tolerance and prevent bullying, said the school board.

Developed by the Chicago Public Schools Office of Student Health and Wellness last year, the policy was designed to align the Chicago public school system with the standards in President Obama’s national HIV/AIDS strategy.


Feb 5, 2011
Kids now have to worry about which piece of ass and whether Missionary or Doggy.
the youngest students – the kindergartners — will learn the basics about anatomy, reproduction, healthy relationships and personal safety.

Why am I not shocked that you didn't even read your own article?


Jun 19, 2000
Number of those taught sex ed in kindergarten = miniscule

World popululation = 7 Billion

How did this happen without formal instruction by a teacher?


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Unless I'm mistaken, the countries with the lowest rates of teen pregnancies, lowest rate of transmission of STDs (but not the least sex), are countries that start "sex" ed very early. That doesn't mean that they're teaching kindergartners how to apply a condom. But, by the time the students make it to high school, they're gaining a deeper understanding of the dynamics of relationships, rather than being given very basic information at a point when it's too late.


Jul 2, 2005
Gotta start the indoctrination and brainwashing earlier and earlier.

I'm all for teaching kids the basics about anatomy and such, but public schools should not be brainwashing young children with their notions of gender identity and other idiotic stuff. Yet another example of Chicago fail, and another boost for homeschooling.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2006
Chicago probably has a sky-high teen pregnancy rate. Anything that tries to bring that down is a good thing, we don't need more hoodrats breeding.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2004
Kindergarten? Even in elementary school, the only thing about girls that interested me was how I can pull their ponytails!

Stone Rain

Feb 25, 2013
Gotta start the indoctrination and brainwashing earlier and earlier.

I'm all for teaching kids the basics about anatomy and such, but public schools should not be brainwashing young children with their notions of gender identity and other idiotic stuff. Yet another example of Chicago fail, and another boost for homeschooling.

+1 I agree with this guy.


Jul 7, 2003
Not sure how I feel about this.

I think sex-ed is fine at that age.. look, sex is not a secret, it is a part of life, and they need to learn about it sooner or later. This isn't Santa Claus where we try to hide the secret as long as possible.

However gender identity, LGBT stuff, I think might do harm to most children and confuse them. At that early age they don't have the hormones etc. to know if they are gay, or bi, or straight, etc.. and it could be years until they find out. I guess it's good to instill a general sense of acceptance of all people but I hope they aren't getting to in depth with it. I mean can you imagine a kid going home to his parents freaked out that he might become a transsexual? Nothing against transsexuals, but in our culture it is effectively a disability to be one. That would be awful


Aug 24, 2008
Kindergarten? Even in elementary school, the only thing about girls that interested me was how I can pull their ponytails!

What if you dressed up as a girl once and this could had prevented your parents from forcing it on you? :awe:


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
Chicago probably has a sky-high teen pregnancy rate. Anything that tries to bring that down is a good thing, we don't need more hoodrats breeding.

They have a high teen pregnancy (1 out 8 school girls is pregnant according to the last statics I read) in spite of sex education being taught in middle-schools and high-schools in Chicago.
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Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Culture, social stigmatization, and sex education working together is the only solution,

Just like you can't prevent smoking, excessive drinking, and drugs by education and telling kids it's bad while Hollywood and Television make it look cool.

you can't tell single teenage girls getting pregnant is bad while Hollywood and Television make it look cool.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2007
Not sure how I feel about this.
What's there to be uncertain of? Nothing about basic sex ed is harmful to kids. The only reason you're ambivalent about it at all is because the bible describes sex as something dirty (because it was written by ugly smelly bearded men 3000 years ago who were rejected by women of their time and projected their own failure onto them.)

When I was a kindergarten kid back in the 70s I and all the other kids were shown picture books explaining how babies are made, complete with cross-section anatomic views of the male and female bodies, reproductive organs, eggs, sperm and so on. At no point did anyone inform me about the doggy style or whatever, that's ridiculous and gross. However we were informed, and informed about a very basic, vital function of human beings. Arguably THE most vital function; all life exists for the purpose of reproducing itself.

Where's the harm?

However gender identity, LGBT stuff, I think might do harm to most children and confuse them.
Why would it do "harm"? Why would they be confused? Kids today grow up in gay relationships, they're not harmed, they're not confused. Just being informed that these different sexualities exist (which is a fact of life), how is that harmful in any way? Gay people have existed since ancient times and probably since the dawn of humanity. Believing it could be harmful with such historical evidence against such a notion seems very bizarre IMO.

I mean can you imagine a kid going home to his parents freaked out that he might become a transsexual?
That seems a very far-fetched notion to be concerned about. Is it better to NOT tell the kid about transsexuals and then have him freaking out about it when he does turn out to be one? Possibly to the point of committing suicide over it? (Something which is not uncommon, sadly enough.) I fail to see the improvement here I must say!

At no time in my life have I ever heard about any kids freaking out about the possibility of becoming a transsexual later in life. Have you? This is essentially the equivalent of refusing to let kids go outside and play in case a small meteor was to land on their heads. It's a non-issue, totally.

Nothing against transsexuals, but in our culture it is effectively a disability to be one. That would be awful
Wow, yeah. And in 1930s Germany it was effectively a disability to be a jew. So your go-to solution to the issue you yourself have dreamt up on your own is to just suppress it? Again, wow.


Jul 7, 2003
Transsexuality has just about always been 'weird' at best in human society, if accepted. That's just a fact. Sorry if it offends you but yes it is not a good thing to be a transsexual, practically speaking. If you want to treat our children as the vector to some social engineering experiment, then it's upon you to prove that is going to be effective.

Very few children grow up in gay relationships. If they do, I'd assume they are well educated on the subject.

Like I said, I have no problem teaching sex. It's a part of life. Your reference to the bible, etc. are pretty ridiculous, trying to treat me like I'm some evangelical nutjob.

My basic point is it may not be helpful to get into detailed discussion regarding sexual identity when children are not at the point developmentally to identify with anything that is being taught. They will have no frame of reference in terms of sexual attraction, and may therefore end up confused.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2007
Your reference to the bible, etc. are pretty ridiculous, trying to treat me like I'm some evangelical nutjob.
I don't desire to do that, sorry if you felt portrayed in such a way. I just wanted to put historical context to why sex ed is seen as something controversial - especially in the US, which is known to have been founded as a nation to an unusually high degree consisting of radical or even extreme branches of christianity.

My main point is, there's no reason to believe sex ed for minors to be harmful because there's no actual evidence to that effect; only pre-concieved notions or outright prejudice.


Jul 7, 2003
I don't desire to do that, sorry if you felt portrayed in such a way. I just wanted to put historical context to why sex ed is seen as something controversial - especially in the US, which is known to have been founded as a nation to an unusually high degree consisting of radical or even extreme branches of christianity.

My main point is, there's no reason to believe sex ed for minors to be harmful because there's no actual evidence to that effect; only pre-concieved notions or outright prejudice.

I agree that pre-concieved notions and outright prejudice harm the debate over sex-ed for children. However I think there are legitimate concerns over what children are able to learn at certain ages. As a layperson, I do wonder how much a child can understand about sexual preference when that child is not familiar with sexual desire in the first place.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
They need to start sex ed young....especially so these little kids can know what is appropriate and what is not appropriate.

I taught my 5 year old sister around 3 years old about her anatomy and when to tell one of her parents if someone touched her in an inappropriate spot.


Senior member
Dec 13, 2010
Sex ed for kiddies was invention of Marxist Frankfurt School. The intention was to divert kids away from nobility and character and soften them up to need the state. Only a lunatic would teach a 5 year old kid about masturbation and homosexuality in kindergarten. Such teahcers should be put in jail. The Chicago program uses SEICUS guidelines - the same ones President Wierdo wants to use on kids (as his campaign said). In the latter grades the SIECUS guidelines teach kids how to vote and be activist. STDS and "stranger danger" are excuses for a scheme to warp kids. This is why good people cant be Dems/libs. A person has to be pretty twisted to do this to innocent kids still many years away from thinking about sex. This program is more about pushing the sod on kids than "health". This is why America is turning into a gutter.

Some stuff from SIECUS level for kiddies:

> Human beings can love people of the same gender and people of another gender.
> Some people are heterosexual, which means they can be attracted to and fall in love with someone of another gender.
> Some people are homosexual, which means they can be attracted to and fall in love with someone of the same gender.
> Homosexual men and women are also known as gay men and lesbians.
> People deserve respect regardless of who they are attracted to.
> Making fun of people by calling them gay (e.g. “homo,” “i love you,” “queer”) is disrespectful and hurtful.
> A family consists of two or more people who care for each other in many ways
> There are different kinds of families.
> People can experience different types of love.
> Touching and rubbing one’s own genitals to feel good is called masturbation
>Both girls and boys may discover that their bodies feel good when touched
> Girls and boys have many similarities and a few differences.
> Some people may expect or demand that boys and girls behave in certain ways, but this is beginning to change.
> Boys and girls can do the same chores at home.
> Men and women are capable of doing almost all the same jobs.
> Some men and women may be told that certain jobs and tasks are only for women or only for men, but this is beginning to change.

In later level the kids get the obviously political:

Society and Culture Life Behaviors:
Having applied the society and culture subconcepts at the
appropriate age, the learner will be able to:

> Demonstrate respect for people with different sexual values.
> Exercise democratic responsibility to influence legislation dealing with sexual issues.
> Assess the impact of family, cultural, media, and societal messages on one’s thoughts, feelings, values, and behaviors related to
> Critically examine the world around them for biases based on gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, and race.
> Promote the rights of all people to accurate sexuality information.
> Avoid behaviors that exhibit prejudice and bigotry.
> Reject stereotypes about the sexuality of different populations.
> Educate others about sexuality.

Five year olds need this mental molestation like a hole in the head. Of course with MA school opening bathrooms to any sex the insanity is more visible to even the amazingly stupid American public and the correction is not far off thankfully. The nuts will be seen as the nuts they are
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Golden Member
Dec 28, 2007
^^^^ Is this guy for real or just trolling? If yes, all I can say is dude... Don't go off your meds ever again!

Being informed about their own bodies and basic human sexuality even at an early age is NOT harmful to kids. How the shit do you think we got here in the first place? Do you think people in the stone age waited until age 18 (or lol, 21) to talk about sex with their children? Heck, try the 18th century for chrissakes. You'd have to be nuts to believe something like that.

Just because many people today are completely morally constipated and over-sensitive about any topic regarding sex (or just gently brushing up against the topic of sex) doesn't mean talking about it to kids would be harmful.

Kids growing up on a farm see farm animals copulating left and right. Is that harmful to them? No, I'm sure most would say it is not. But as soon as it involves humans it is, for whatever bizarre reason? Get real!


Aug 24, 2008
They need to start sex ed young....especially so these little kids can know what is appropriate and what is not appropriate.

I taught my 5 year old sister around 3 years old about her anatomy and when to tell one of her parents if someone touched her in an inappropriate spot.

Did you teach her the song "Milk, Milk, Lemonade. Around the Corner, Fudge is Made."?


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2013
Unless I'm mistaken, the countries with the lowest rates of teen pregnancies, lowest rate of transmission of STDs (but not the least sex), are countries that start "sex" ed very early. That doesn't mean that they're teaching kindergartners how to apply a condom. But, by the time the students make it to high school, they're gaining a deeper understanding of the dynamics of relationships, rather than being given very basic information at a point when it's too late.

I learned the basics from a scrambled cable channel and my relationship history really couldn't be worse. Kids have questions and usually don't know how to ask or have anyone to ask. As long as they are being shown the reproductive side of things and impacts of this sort of activity and aren't getting shown the actual mechanics I'm all for it.