Chaos Rings II


Nov 27, 2001
I don't know if anyone else here enjoyed Chaos Rings on iOS, but its sequel came out today. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but hopefully they've fixed some of the tuning issues in the original game! From the screenshots I saw, it looks like they definitely took some of the comments about the poor background graphics (in the original and Omega) to heart.

iPhone ($17.99)
iPad ($19.99)

I'm assuming the price is probably going to create some ire on here. :p

Also, the original and Omega are on sale today if you've never played it:

Original: iPhone ($3.99) - iPad ($4.99)
Omega: iPhone ($4.99) - iPad ($5.99)


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2004
Interesting. Watched a video review and it looks pretty good. I have always enjoyed Square RPGs but haven't really played any all the way through since FFVI. I think the original for $4 looks like a good bet, but I will certainly pass on II for now. Thanks for the heads-up.


Nov 27, 2001
The first isn't too bad, but as I mentioned, it has some rather serious tuning issues that were never fixed. The biggest problem is that it's very easy to over-level the content, and bosses do not scale. However, you are able to enter any zone and adjust its level (you select 1-10, 11-20, ..., 91-100). You also need to enter some of the later zones just to gain abilities for certain DNA (DNA for the different creatures is how you gain abilities).

As you hit high levels and get all of the DNA abilities, you are literally overpowered. Even monsters my own level cannot hurt me. They literally hit me and deal 0 damage, unless they use one certain spell that always deals damage equal to 10% of your current life. Although, once you get the Warrior ability to regen 5% HP after each turn, you can use a pair attack (combines an action with both characters), and this causes both characters to gain 5% HP after a turn. So if you ever take damage, this pretty much heals you all the way.

I actually suffered from the reverse earlier on. I ran into a mob called Salamander, and it was so powerful compared to me that it could two shot me. If I ever got caught in a surprise attack, I would almost always lose a character.

But I still had fun, and played it for about 12 hours with one set of characters.