Depends on the setup, but generally:
Loosen axle nut on the ground, might need a piece of pipe for leverage.. use a swinghandle and not a ratchet.
Remove bolts to differential, usually hex socket but they can be triple square - if they are, chances are you'll need to buy a socket. If you use a hex socket you may strip them.
Then depending on the suspension this step may vary, but usually you have to pop the balljoint out from under the steering knuckle / wheel bearing housing thing. Might be a fair bit of effort to pop the joint out if the anti-sway bar is heavy.
Once you've got that out, you can swing the strut/knuckle out a bit, so there should be room to clear the halfshaft.
Installation is reverse of removal
Shouldn't have to touch the brakes, but no guarantees. might vary a bit on your suspension as well.