Celeries in old Biostar LX board


Oct 20, 1999
does this work?? I've heard arguments both yes and no that i can take a slotket and a celeron1/2 and pop it in... i don't know the exact MB model number, which is probably a necessity in order to answer this question... but is there a blanket answer here?

well, if there is a definitive answer out there, i'm sure all you smart guys (and girls) will set me straight.

thanks for your input!

rah rah,
~niko ^_^


Oct 11, 1999
There is no blanket answer as it depends upon the individual motherboard in question. In gneral however, most LX boards will have no problems taking up to a 533MHz PPGA Celeron.

The vast majority of LX mobo's cannot support a FCPGA Celeron processor however.


Platinum Member
Jan 2, 2001

<< The vast majority of LX mobo's cannot support a FCPGA Celeron processor however. >>

Just a little addition, I think this because of the voltage that they are running at...


Jan 26, 2000
I have an Intel 440LX board running a Celeron II 733 at 880 mhz (11*80 mhz fsb using softFSB). It boots up as a pentium 750 or something like that, but the speed is correct on Sisoft Sandra. I've had no problems whatsoever. I don't know about the specific board you have, but the Intel 440LX board is only capable of going as low as 1.8 volts, apparently, which I set on the FCPGA-slot adapter card (MSI master). If you set it any lower, the motherboard doesn't recognize the processor and won't boot. Of course, if you set it any higher, the chip will run hotter than necessary. Also, many adapter cards won't work on the LX boards (the Abit won't work at all on mine, and Tekram will not work properly, though the system will boot...the MSI adapter works great, though). I didn't think it would work for a long time, but kept trying different adapters and voltages until success!! The 800 Celeron 2 went to 100 fsb, so the multiplier is only 8. In theory, though, running a celeron 2 766 is possible, and some overclocking, like I'm doing could even take you to 800-900 range. Not bad for a VERY old chipset!! Good luck.